5 Ways To Avoid Spoiling Your Child


Credit: Popsugar

A spoiled child can be recognized straight away. His attitude and behavior say it all. Nobody wants their child to turn out spoiled, but how does this happen? Often today, we see both parents who are always busy working. They still indulge their kids with luxuries, just to make up for the time they have wasted not spending time with them.

Divorced parents, on the other hand, tend to give in too much and gives their children more freedom. Most of the time, parents give in because they are afraid of the child’s reaction, not because they want to. Well, you’re wrong if you think that love knows no limit. When it comes to raising a well-mannered child, you have to set some ground rules!

Credit: Mother, Baby & Kids

Here are some ways to avoid spoiling your child:

1. Set and stick to the limits.

Every time you set a limit, you don’t really want to second guess yourself. Sometimes it’s okay too, but not all the time. For example, if your child wants candy, one means one. All the times, it happens to us. When we say no to more than one, we start to second guess.

2. Discipline your child.

The key to avoid spoiling your child is to discipline them and set firm boundaries and expectations as soon as possible as it will make a huge difference in the way he or she behaves. Teach them how to regulate themselves, and this is one of the most essential teachings. Children who carry themselves well will make friends easier, and they are most likely to be successful in any social settings.

Credit: Mother, Baby & Kids

3. Thank you.

We all know that ‘Thank you’ is a powerful magic word. Even if it’s a small thing, your child should know how to say thank you. Teach your child and be a good role model so that they can follow in your footsteps.

4. Good manners.

Good manners are to have proper and basic good manners which are essential to avoid spoiling your child. Having good manners goes beyond than just saying please and thank you, but speaking in a courteous manner, showing good sportsmanship, good table manners and also to properly greet people.

Credit; Victoria Carlton ~ The Child Whisperer

5. Let them work for what they want.

Whenever we give too easily, our kids will ask for more, and they won’t appreciate the things they have. Kids who are spoiled get things easily and then take things for granted. Instead of buying or getting him things he wants, set up a system where he or she can earn it bit by bit.

These are the few ways to avoid spoiling your kids. You have to teach them since young so that they will learn how to be grateful for the things they have.

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