How You Can Support your Transgender Child?


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Transgender is a term that describes to those whose gender identity does not match to their birth sex. This is the most difficult and important thing faced by parents. Some parents are able to accept whatever their child chooses but some parents are not able to accept it even if they try to. For some parents, no matter how supportive you are, there will still be doubt, confusion and grieving for your lovely child. I know, that for some parents, this is a hard thing to accept but don’t worry, here are some simple methods for you to support your transgender child, no matter where and what they do in their journey in life.

Credit: Images Dawn

Accept your child’s identity:

First and foremost, you have to accept your child’s status. Learn to be more open-minded. You have to believe in your child and never rationalise to yourself saying that this is only a phase. Rejecting their identity can be damaging for them and please note that if they share their status with you, bear in mind that they have gone through a lot.

Let your child decide:

Don’t out your child and let them decide who and when to tell the news. Make sure that they are ready to spread the story out. I know that some of you do this to show that you really want to support your child but bear in mind that if they are not ready, you will just hurt them even more. Let your child control over this situation, and it is their story to tell anyway.

Follow their lead:

Let them take charge of their life and do not make any stereotypes on what they should wear and so on. Transgender means many things to many people and know that there is absolutely no right way to be a transgender.


Don’t assume your child needs help:

This is the worst thing you could ever do. They do not need help and transgenderism isn’t a mental illness. It’s a choice they make, but therapy may be helpful not only for your child but you too. Therapy can help you and your family go through all the challenges faced and how to adapt to their future.

Always remember that whatever happens, they are still your child, and unconditional love for them is very important. Let your child know that they are always loved no matter what. Know that your child isn’t alone. There are many more people out there, at least 1.4 million adults who are transgender.

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