How To Instill Self-Confidence In Children


Image Credit: FutureSTRONG Academy

Having self-confidence is important. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could all raise children with confidence? Right from birth, children learn new skills at a fast rate, alongside new abilities.

But sadly, sometimes in life, all of us will face hard knocks, and it is essential to equip them with confidence to not only survive but thrive. To thrive, kids need to trust their own capabilities and knowing that they can handle them.

Here are some ways on how you can help instill self-confidence in your child and to set kids up to feel capable and to get most out of their skills and talents.

Image Credit: Sec-Ed

Ways On How To Instill Self-Confidence In Children

1. Encourage them to try new things.
It is good for kids to diversify instead of focusing all of their energy on what they already excel at. Achieving new skills makes kids feel confident and capable that they can tackle any obstacles they face.

2. Don’t get upset.
Getting upset about their mistakes will not help them. What you should do is to help kids see that everyone makes mistakes and it is essential to learn from them. People with confidence don’t let fear of failure get in their way. This is just because they know how to take setbacks in stride and not because they are sure that they won’t fail.

3. Model self-love and positive self-talk.

It is important to love yourself before you can teach your child how to love him or herself. You can model this behaviour by rewarding and praising yourself when you do well. Celebrate your successes with your children. You can also remind your child of the skills he or she possesses and how they can be developed and used.

Image Credit: Mother, Baby & Kids

4. Help kids find their passion.
Children will be able to develop a sense of identity if you help them explore their own interests, which is essential to building confidence. That being said, seeing their talents grow will also give a massive boost to their self-esteem.

5. Set goals.
Setting and achieving goals makes kids feel strong. Help your child turn dreams into actionable goals by encouraging them to make a list of benchmarks.

6. Show your love.
Above all, make sure that you let your child know that you love her no matter what. Even if you are madly mad at her. If your child knows that you think she is excellent, it will bolster her self worth even when she is not feeling good about herself.

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