4 Ways How Women Can Empower Other Women

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During this month of International Women’s Day, let’s talk about ways that we ladies can stick together and help one another in life. Along our life journey, we will find ourselves in moments when we need others to pull us up from our real or perceived ruts. Other times, we may be in a place where we can lift someone up from their rabbit hole.

In our day to day life as a woman with so many roles to play, life can seem overwhelming sometimes. When we find ourselves in such instances, wouldn’t it be nice to have someone to reach out for, just to have someone other than our family to lean on for a while?

That’s what women can do for other women. To stand together, and to empower each other, so that together, we can stand a little stronger and rise together. Here are some ways we can do that for each other.

Share Your Story

No matter where you are in your life narrative, share, share, and share. If you’re on the higher rung of the ladder, other women want to hear your story. How you got there, the ups and downs and how you prevailed. The lessons you learned. 

Even if we are not so high up the ladder, we still have stories and lessons to share. To be successful, we need to learn from all walks of life, even from those who are on the way up, too.

What’s important is to learn from failure. Learning from our own failure is one, learning from others who are willing to sure their mistakes are golden too.

So we all have things that are unique to us which we can share to empower other women. Sharing is caring!

Offer Fair Opportunities

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Where and when it’s appropriate and possible, do offer opportunities to other women. It could be a job opening, or simply supporting another woman’s business. Working together for mutual benefit is a great way to help and grow each other.

Do so fairly, whilst also ensuring to hold the other up on high standards to encourage her to deliver high quality work. Our aim is to help drive each other to better ourselves, and not simply accepting subpar standards just for the sake of supporting the other.

In this way, we help build up the other’s skill set for them to be better versions of themselves. That’s the end result we are striving for.

Speak Up For And Stand With Other Women

It’s not about ganging up, but more about lending strength where there’s a lack of support for other women. Standing up for issues that are divisive against women or standing up for a cause for women is something we can do. What affects one of us, could affect many more.

Some women may not be getting the support and encouragement they need in life and in times of difficulties. If you are in a position to be the kind of support and a cheerleader that other women could lean on, take it on.

Who knows we could be just the right person to lend a hand to some other woman who may need to hear just the right words of comfort we have to offer. Sometimes, we may not even need to speak or share. We can just be the listening ear and the shoulder to cry on to ease someone’s burdens and troubles.

Building And Sharing A Network Or Community

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In whatever we do, we often cannot do it well alone. Humans, by nature, need others. That’s why people find comfort in communities. Build a common network or community and invite other women to join in.

These networks can be work, skill, interests related, or simply a support group of like-minded women. Share resources freely and get on harmoniously. Make it a non-bickering group, ensuring it’s a supportive and nurturing network of women who support women.

Strangers can often turn into the best of friends from such group meetings. Foster a sense of sisterhood and insisting upon positive attitudes and encounters will help everyone in the group.

One For All, And All For One

Image credit: Pexels

It doesn’t matter where we each are in life, we can all play a part in helping just one or many other women in life. Why help and empower other women? Well, even if we can help just one person to better her life, she may go on to better many other lives. What we do have ripple effects although we may not see it all. One day, it may even come full circle, coming right back to us when we need it.

So never shun the opportunity no matter how small it is to empower another woman. In turn, we too can accept the support and assistance of others, without fear and prejudice. Wouldn’t that be just the perfect place we can all dwell in? It can happen, if we make it and let it happen.

In life, a single person is never too small to cause an effect to be felt by others if we strife for it. Read about these three brave souls who have stirred the world awake on what they stand for.