Simple Ways to Boost Your Child’s Self-Esteem


Image Credit: Mother, Baby & Kids

Self-esteem is a person’s overall view of his or her own self-worth. People with good self-esteem focus on the positive aspects of life and they do not let failure get in their way of embracing new challenges and meeting new people.

As parents, it is never too early to teach your little one to love herself and to try new things. A definite sense of self is one of the greatest gifts you can give to your child. Children with high self-esteem feel loved and develop into happy and productive people. To help build your child’s positive self-image, consider these ways on how to boost your child’s self-esteem.

Image credit: Mother, Baby; Kids

Simple Ways To Boost Your Child’s Self Esteem

1. Step back
Don’t do everything for your little ones. Be patient with him and let him work things out for himself. By doing so, you are actually helping your child learn new skills. The more challenges he meets, the more confident and competent he will be.

2. Do not over praise your child
Self-esteem comes from developing competence and from feeling loved and secure. As much as we want to, we can’t praise our kids into competence. In fact, over-praising your kids will only do them more harm than good. This is because you are actually lowering the bar for them.

3. No one is perfect
Do let your child know that no one is perfect. Be sure that you explain to him that no one expects him to be. The way you react to your child’s mistakes and disappointments colors the way he will respond.

4. Don’t compare your child
Never draw comparisons between your children and instead, appreciate each one’s individuality and unique gifts.

Image Credit: Mother, Baby & Kids

5. Let them make their own choices
Whenever a child makes their own decisions, make sure that they are age-appropriate, they will feel more powerful. Remember that kids as young as two years old can start considering the consequences of their decisions.

6. Encourage and support your child
Another way to boost your child’s self-esteem is to encourage and support them wholeheartedly. Make sure that they follow through to completion. It doesn’t matter what they are interested in, but most importantly is for them to stick with what they start, so that they feel that they accomplished something.

No matter what, love and accept your child for who they are. Your child has it all, like every other individual.

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