5 Ways on How To Boost Your Kids IQ Level



Which parents don’t want their kids to be smart? Everyone wants their kids to be the smarty pants in the class and to have that scholarship. Contrary to what everyone thinks, developing a child’s IQ isn’t about giving them tons of exercise books or IQ questions. But, it is the everyday activities of what parents do and says that matters.

Image Credit: Cool Mom Picks

Here are some ways on how you can boost your child’s IQ level.

1. Read to Them

Reading improves verbal and linguistic intelligence. For those who are wondering what linguistic intelligence means, linguistic knowledge is the ability to process information using language and words.

Our brain constructs imagination and makes a connection when we read, compared to processing images or speeches. Read to your children early. As soon as they start talking, make sure to read to them on a daily basis. Trust me, parents! The results, later on, are magnificent. These children will have a significant contribution to vocabulary, general knowledge, verbal fluency and are also good at spellings! Let’s make it short, reading makes you smarter!

2. Learn More than One Language

Research has been made, stating that children can learn as many as four languages with perfect fluency and pronunciation. Bilingual children have high literacy skills and them too, exhibit better concentration under pressure and pays more attention to relevant information.

3. Get Crafty

Put that tablet away mom and dads! Set it aside for more creative play! Too much screen time or battery operated toys turn your child into an observer. Get out the legos and play doh for them to lay out their creativity. You’d be surprised at how creative they can be! And the fun part is that kids don’t even realise that they are learning!

Image Credit: Playmeo

4. Eat Healthy Breakfast

Don’t underestimate the importance of a healthy breakfast. Oatmeals and fish are the go-to superfoods. Also, remember that a ketogenic diet shouldn’t be taken by growing children.

5. Math and Physical Exercise

Fluid intelligence will increase when children do maths and physical activities. Fluid intelligence is the ability to think abstractly, identify patterns, reasoning, to recognise relationships without using prior knowledge.

Besides early exposure to math, physical activity can also improve your child’s fluid intelligence. So, what are you still waiting for? Take your children out for a jog or a walk at the park now!

So, there you go parents, the above are some easy ways you can try to help boost your kids’ IQ level. Remember that a happy child is also the smartest child. Be a happy parent and, your child will surely be as happy as you.

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