Your kid’s toy could be dangerous!

Toy kid danger

“Let’s buy this toy for the kids!” We often forget, but toys can represent a danger for the children. We think at first of those who can hurt them, but it is also necessary to be careful in the present mass harmful substances in components. Moreover, don’t forget the ones with choking risks! Before offering a toy to your child, you have to make sure of its non-dangerousness.

Previous cases:

Last year, Toys ‘R’ Us Singapore urgently recalled Bruin Wiggle Ball toys. Their rubber knobs and plastic backs can pop out easily, posing a choking hazard to babies. Besides, do you remember the worldwide buzz of the fidget spinner? In Britain, some products have been recalled because small parts of it can be detached also causing a choking problem.

Which toy to choose?

First, choose toys that match the age of the child: many toys are, for example, prohibited for babies under 36 months of age because of the risk of ingesting small pieces. Also, always check their strength to make sure that no pieces can be detached and then swallowed or hurt the child. Indeed, according to Dr. Kao Pao Tang:“the biggest concern about toy safety is choking risk.” Avoid all toys made of small pieces or strings that could cause strangulation, as well as those with sharp edges. Last but not least, prefer toys eco-friendly, cotton organic, or wooden toys. If you bought a toy, leave it outdoors before giving it to your child.

Second-hand toy:

The journal Environment Science and Technology published in January a study about second-hand toys. Old Lego blocks, dolls and toy cars contain materials that do not meet modern toy safety guidelines

“Second-hand toys are an attractive option to families because they can be inherited directly from friends or relatives or obtained cheaply and readily from charity stores, flea markets, and the internet,” said Dr. Turner, the author of the article.

Toys are helpful for the development of the kids, but we should be careful in order to avoid an accident.

What kinds of toys do you buy for your children? Does he have a favorite toy?

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