6 Tips on How To Handle Picky Eaters


Credit: Today Show

Is your child a picky eater? Refusing to eat anything or food they dislike? They sure do miss out on a lot of good food! Not only it’s a real-time battle for most parents but your little devils also miss out on a lot of important nutrients, and it can affect their growth and development.

Here are some tips on how you can handle picky eaters

Credit: Living and Loving

1. No short order cooking

If you’ve been preparing separate meals for your child after he or she rejects the original dinner you made, stop what you’re doing. That’s because you’ve been promoting picky eating to them. Plan meals to include at least one thing every member likes. Then, serve one meal for everyone in the family. Also, encourage your child to stay at the table during mealtime, even if he or she doesn’t eat.

2. Respect your child’s appetite

Don’t force them if they aren’t hungry. Likewise, do not bribe them as this will only strengthen a struggle. Your child might also come to the dinner table with anxiety and frustration. To avoid this from happening, serve small portions so that they can control their portions and will also soon be more independent to ask for more.

Credit: Living and Loving

3. Make it fun and be creative

Cut foods into various shapes and try to make it colorful. Serve veggies with their favorite dip, top fruits on cereals, and you can also offer breakfast foods for dinner to make it more interesting!

4. Stick to the time

Serve meals or snacks at the same time every day. You can serve them juices or milk along with food but make sure to let them drink water in between meals or snacks, so that their appetite won’t decrease when it comes to mealtime.

5. Try to recruit your child

Ask for their help at the grocery store. Ask them to select veggies, fruits, and other healthy foods. Let them choose their favorite healthy meals or snacks. Don’t buy anything you don’t want your child to eat. At home, encourage them to set the table and cook together with you.

Credit: sloely

6. Don’t offer dessert or junk food as a reward

Offering desserts sends the message to them that dessert is the yummiest which will only increase their desire for sweets. Offer them desserts once in a while or offer them healthier choices of desserts, such as overnight yogurt or fruits.

Remember that this habit of theirs isn’t going to change overnight. Everything needs patience and small little steps at a time. And the small steps you take is going to lead them to a healthier lifestyle.

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