Things You Shouldn’t Do With Your Newborn

Things You Shouldn't Do With Your Newborn

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Welcoming a newborn into the family is such an exciting and beautiful moment. But do you know there are a lot of things that you shouldn’t do with your newborn? In fact, you will be surprised by the things that we listed out below. As we all know, a newborn baby is rather fragile. To take care of them need extra precaution and supervision. Every little thing needs to be under our proper supervision as one wrong move may affect our infant in the long run.

Things You Shouldn’t Do With Your Newborn

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Let Your Newborn Sleep With Stuffed Toys

It is cute to see your baby with the stuffed toys you leave in their crib. Most of us think that it does no harm to the baby. The truth is the ideal age for you to introduce your baby to stuffed toys are around 1-year old and older. At their tender age, let them sleep alone in the crib without any stuff toys surrounding them. Even if you still insisted on putting stuffed toys in their crib, let it be somewhere opposite the baby – probably a few metres from their feet instead of leaving them nearby or next to your baby.

It is okay for you to put pillows surrounding the cot but make sure your baby won’t bury their face on it. We don’t want such incident like Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) happening. So, make sure to supervise your baby while he is in the crib. Another thing, avoid letting your baby sleeps on their tummy as well.

Allowing Too Many People To Visit

You know that moment when your family and relatives heard the news that there’s a new addition to your family. All your family members and relative will be so happy hearing it and will decide to visit you all at once. It is nice to receive visits from a lot of people but when there are too many people coming at one time, it is risky for your baby. Your baby will be scared of seeing one after another people holding, kissing, cuddling, you name it. Avoid letting anyone kissing your baby during their tender age as they easily get infected with germs. It could lead to a few diseases and we don’t want that.

To tell people not to kiss your baby may be something that needs more than just courage to say. But it is an important thing to do to protect our baby.

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Habits That Need To Stop!

Do you know that there are numerous things that we always do to our little infant that actually, we didn’t suppose to? But because we think it didn’t harm our little infant, we end up doing it. Apart from kissing, giving them a pacifier to stop crying is something that shouldn’t be encouraged. This is because it could confuse your baby between the real and a dummy one. It is best if you introduce your little one to the pacifier when they are at least 2 months old.

You know how at times you will let your baby cry. Well, crying is babies’ way to communicate with you. Letting them cry without giving them your attention will increase their stress level. Well, even babies have stress. Crying is also one of the ways to inform you that they are experiencing some discomfort. Thus, please never leave them alone. Your baby needs your companion all the time.

As a parent and normal human, there were times where we feel like we want to smack our baby to cut off their bad behaviour. Honestly, this is not good. Smacking your babies just because you want to stop them from doing all those bad things will only affect them oppositely. Instead, take time for you to calm down, talk with them nicely and then you can carry on with what you need to do.

There you go! Some things may be seen kinda obscure even with such reason to prevent any harm away from your baby. As we know, our little one is fragile at their tender age after being born into the world. Every small step we take to change the habits will do wonders to your little one.

Stay tuned for more advice and tips on our blog and check out for all the baby items you need.