The ‘Fertility Diet’: Superfoods to Supercharge Your Reproductive Health


They say baby making begins in the bedroom, but what if we told you it actually starts in the kitchen?

That’s right. What you eat can play a significant role in helping (or harming) your chances of becoming a parent.

Over 15% of Singaporean couples struggle to conceive even after a whole year of trying.

For those who are struggling extra hard in the fertility department, the problem may lie in the kind of food you eat. 

Here are some important things you should know about nutrition and fertility.

The Connection between Fertility and Food

Food is not just fuel.

It’s the building blocks of life. In this case, new life. 

Everything from your hormones to your reproductive system require optimal nutrition in order to function properly to create a baby.

Barring any actual fertility problems that require medical intervention, your diet is usually the second factor that may need to take a look at.

Studies show that a diet full of ‘saturated fatty acids, cholesterol, animal proteins, and carbohydrates with a high glycemic index’, is terrible for your reproductive health

On the flipside, a diet rich in poultry, fish, fruits and vegetables, are linked with a high rate of fertility not just in women but men as well.

These foods are rich in micronutrients like antioxidants (vitamin c, polyphenols, flavonoids), omega-3 fatty acids, folic acid (or folate), choline, and inositol. 

Here are some fertility superfoods that can help heal and restore your reproductive health.

Best Superfoods to Include in Your ‘Fertility Diet’

Fatty Fish

Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D, as well as folic acid, fatty fish are the go-to protein when it comes to procreation.

The omega-3 in fatty fish for instance, helps the body regulate hormones as well as reduces inflammation.

It also promotes a healthy uterus, making it easier for the embryo to implant itself  during conception.

The types of fatty fish with the highest omega-3 content include mackerel, salmon, herring, sardine, and tuna. 

Whole Grains

While you don’t necessarily have to give up white rice, which is an important part of Singaporean cuisine, you can add more whole grains into your diet if you’re planning on conceiving.

You can opt for brown rice and wholewheat breads, but there are wealth of whole grain options out there for you to try.

There’s oats, quinoa, and even a lot of pastas come in whole grain versions now too. 

In terms of reproductive health, whole grains do more than just balance your blood sugar.

Whole wheat products in general contain inositol, which is great for fertility.

Quinoa and wheat germ on the other hand are rich in choline.

Oatmeal takes the cake as it contains all three nutrients.  

Dark Leafy Vegetables

Yes, if you want a baby, it’s best to eat your greens.

Not only are they high in folic acid (or folate), dark leafy veggies also contain iron. This micronutrient enriches red blood cells, which helps promote a healthy menstrual cycle.

They also have a lot of fibre, magnesium, potassium and calcium which all play a role in reproductive health.

Some good choices would include kale, spinach, bok choy, kailan (or Chinese broccoli), kangkung (or water spinach), and romaine lettuce. 

Nuts and Seeds

An abundant source of fertility nutrients, nuts can greatly improve reproductive health.

Most nuts and seeds contain abundant nutrients that support and boost fertility.

Chia seeds and walnuts both are high in folic acid, omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E.

On the other hand, almonds, contain choline, vitamin E and zinc.

Together, these nutrients provide anti-inflammatory benefits, promote healthy cellular function, and support hormone regulation. 

So, it’s best to take a combination of different nuts and seeds.

However, make sure to get the unsalted ones if you can as you don’t want to add extra sodium into your diet.


Chock full of anti-inflammatory compounds, berries are integral to reproductive health.

This is thanks to their high content of antioxidants such as vitamin C, flavonoids, resveratrol and polyphenols.

Stress, pollutants and a poor diet can quickly take their toll on the body, increasing the amount of free radicals that damage and age healthy cells.

A diet rich in blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries (which contain the highest amounts of antioxidants known to man) keeps these free radicals at bay, ensuring your cells are young and healthy.

Fertility Superfoods: From Plate to Parenthood

There are countless foods out there that can help restore and boost your fertility. Don’t let this list limit you.

However, this does not mean you have to forgo your guilty pleasures.

Find healthier alternatives, reduce processed foods and eat in moderation.

Overall, a healthy diet full of protein, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables, and free from saturated fats is the only blueprint you need to rejuvenate your reproductive health.

Paired with plenty of physical activity and a stress-free life, you’ll have a baby in no time.

You’ve got this, ladies!

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Mamahood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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