Teaching Gratitude to Your Children

girl writing thank you on chalkboard

As a parent, you want to start teaching your children important values as soon as possible. One of these values has to be gratitude. Gratitude is more than just showing thanks when they receive something. It includes being grateful for what they already have, and not being greedy. It also involves being polite and cheerful to those around them that have done them favours, helped them or shown them kindness.

As a parent, here are some ways you can start teaching your children how to be grateful:

Lead by Example

Showing very obvious signs of gratitude as an adult may seem awkward. However, setting an example for your child is the most effective way to teach them to be grateful. For instance, you can expressly tell your child what you’re grateful for in life such as being able to spend time with them.

Furthermore, you can also say ‘Thank you’ whenever you receive something, or even good service. Children will pick up these habits very easily, and you’ll notice them repeating your actions of gratefulness on their own.

Telling Stories about Gratitude

Apart from direct examples, you can also inculcate gratefulness indirectly through stories. Reading or telling stories with gratitude as the main moral value is a fun way to impart both the definition of gratefulness, as well as how it plays out in daily life. Your children will learn this value much better with stories functioning as examples.

Apart from telling or reading stories, you can also consider other types of media. For example, you can watch short story videos on YouTube, watch a music video or watch a family friendly animation. You can discuss the story later with your child and bring up the parts about thankfulness and gratefulness.

Bring Your Child Along for Charity Events

Whether its a bazaar to raise money for the needy, or a car wash to fund a charity, try and get your children involved. You can donate by making purchases, or volunteer your time and resources. This can teach your child to be thankful for what they have, and also learn how to be empathetic to the needs of others. Alternatively, you can also bring them along to simple acts of kindness, such as visiting a sick friend or relative at the hospital.

Talk to your children about how these actions affect those receiving them. Discuss any instances you both experienced whereby a person expresses gratefulness for the help they received.

Use Positive Reinforcements

Acknowledge your children when they express any gratefulness. Positively reinforce this behaviour with praises and reward them suitably. You can also encourage them to express their gratefulness as a daily habit. Some parents do this before bedtime, and some do it before a meal, whereby all family members express one things they’re thankful for that day.

Gratitude As a Way of Life: Start Them Early

Part of parenting is teaching your children to have a healthy view of the world, and to interact with others in the best way possible. To achieve this, certain basic values have to be taught early on and gratitude is one of them. The best way to start is to reassure your child that you’re grateful for them. Try doing this as regularly as possible so that they can pick up this good habit for the rest of their lives.