What are you teaching Your Children?


Credit : The Christian Science Monitor

You Are Your Kids Reflection

Children do not just listen to what we teach them, but instead, they watch and listen to the way we talk and our day to day behaviour. They are watching us and learning every single little thing from us.

Credit: China Daily

So what are you teaching your kids? Who you are is what your kids will be. You may not know it, but your day to day behaviour, from the way you drive, the tone of your voice, the way you speak and the way you approach people surrounding you is shaping the way your child will act.

For most children, the essential role models they will be looking at are those who have a regular presence in their lives which your kid’s role model will be their parents themselves. So start shaping them by shaping yourself first.

Credit: Techno FAQ

For example, if you don’t want your children to spend too much time on the technology, then it is crucial for you to limit usage of your devices and fully present when you are interacting with your kids.


If you want your children to be kind and thoughtful to another person, or help other people in need, so you need to show those examples that you want them to be when they grow up. It is as simple as this you walk the talk.

Your kids are like a sponge, absorbing everything you say and do. They learn attitude, Behaviors, likes, dislikes, generosity and compassion  just by watching the way their parents conduct each day.

So be careful how you respond to problems, handle stress, frustrations, treat other people and deal with responsibilities, loss and mistakes will impact the lives behind the little watching you. Be aware when you talk, how you treat people and handle your daily life. These create your kids.


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