Teach Your Children And Teens On How To Be Respectful


Image Credit: FirstCry Parenting

Often, we always forget that children are not born with a built-in sense of respect. All children need to be taught to be respectful even if each and every one of them has a different personality. From birth, kids learn to manipulate their world to get their needs, which is natural.

As they grow older, they tend to acquire a sense of independence, and we may see them as though as they are losing their idea of respect and kindness. But parents, this is just another uphill climb we cannot give up to, and it is our job to teach them how to be respectful to others.

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How To Teach Your Child To Be Respectful

1. Be a good counselor
Young children sometimes have problems in social situations, and it is up to you to hear them out. Help them whenever they need your help through any difficulties that they may be experiencing.

2. Set realistic expectations
Explain to your child what you expect from them. Tell them the way you expect them to in different situations firmly and clearly.

3. Teach polite responses
It is never too late to teach and remind them of polite responds. Young people show caring and respect for others through good manners. Teach them how to say “please” and “thank you” regularly. Remember that you have to model this example by being respectful yourself. Say “please” and “thank you” to your child and to others, and he’ll learn by observing your actions.

Image Credit: LA Parent

4. Positive reinforcement
It is essential to not only correct your child but to also reward or praise them for the right behavior. As they have managed to earn your praise, they are most likely to do it again.

5. Be patient
Most of the time, children are self-centered. They usually don’t want to listen to their corrections. Instead of losing your temper, be patient with them as this teaches them to be patient with others in difficult situations in the future.

Above all, make sure to make time with your children and really listen to them when you do. Get together regularly for a family night and just have fun. Remember to treat each other with respect as this is important in teaching children to respect others. If children feel connected, feelings of mutual trust and respect can be seen.

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