Which sport to choose during pregnancy?

Pregnant woman prepared to sport

Should I continue to exercise?

The pregnancy does not mean the end of any sports activity, quite the opposite, the sport during this period is completely possible and even advised if your health allows it.

Indeed, the sport during the pregnancy as when you were not pregnant, will help you to decrease your stress and so to increase your quality of sleep. The sport permits to maintain your body and to develop your muscles, all in order of regulating at best your weight gain throughout these 9 months.

It will probably be necessary to change your habits a little. Naturally, not all sports are recommended during pregnancy, and you will have to adjust your intensity and your pace to your stage of pregnancy. So what are the sports disadvised during pregnancy? Until which stage of my pregnancy can I practice a sports activity? Which exercise to practice?

Don’t worry! We are going to help you answer all of these questions.

3 sports advised during pregnancy:

-Swimming: Good or bad swimmer, the swimming or the aquagym(water aerobics) is the best sport during the pregnancy. Besides his soothing virtues, you improve your breath, what helps prepare the childbirth. You also make work your perineum, and you strengthen your muscles. However, avoid jumping into cold water which would lower your physical temperature and thus the temperature of the fetus. The baby must stay warm.

-Walking: it can be practiced by everyone and during all the pregnancy. The good tempo? 30 minutes at least, a day.

– Yoga: it is both a sport and an excellent preparation for childbirth. The benefits are almost identical to those of swimming.

Sports forbidden during pregnancy:

– Sports that can lead to falls: riding, skiing, etc. This risk is all the more real since the displacement of the body’s center of gravity favors loss of balance in pregnant women.
– Sports that can expose you to shocks or trauma in the abdomen: ball sports (tennis, handball…), combat sports (judo, karate…).

What you have to keep in mind is always to drink extra water!

In the first quarter, you can do almost every sport. Then, during the second quarter and the third quarter you have to be a little more careful.

Did you exercise during your pregnancy?

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