How Social Media Ruin Every Aspect Of Our Life?

We always talk about how social media connect us and bring us to a whole new dimension. But do you know that by spending too much time on social media doesn’t make you more connected but rather less connected day by day? We become open-minded about our surrounding due to the existence of social media. It is all fascinating to know about things we never thought of knowing. We can connect with anyone we wish to get in contact.

It is great that we can make new acquaintances and probably rebuild an old connection that is long gone. It is incredible how social media can have such an impact on our daily life. Some people say social media brings them wonders. It is the reason why certain things happen in their life.

Probably, we met someone who changes our life to a new degree. Little did we know social media is one of the many few reasons how it could ruin every aspect of our life. But how? Let us get you into the detail.

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How Social Media Ruin Every Aspect Of Our Life?

Preoccupied and Wasting Time

Making a new connection is excellent, but it isn’t all that great when you are too addicted to it to the point you forgot your main task for the day. You are too preoccupied with scrolling through the feed on your phone or your laptop. The time you wasted on social media would rather use for other valuable things. Social media could eventually ruin us if we are too into it. Our life is more than just scrolling through social media.

The Real Face-to-face Communication is Gone!

As harsh as this sounds, we don’t even communicate much nowadays, even though we are in the same room. We tend to text them even more than we talk to them. We even choose to text rather than asking them personally even on the simplest of things.

Unless it is super personal and talking to them will make it seen less privacy, then it is okay. As the tech world is advancing day by day, we seem to be more and more lazy to have real face-to-face communication with our surroundings. Do we want to make that as a habit that soon changes into a norm? I bet you don’t!

Everything Needs To Be Updated And Seen By Others

It is something that we often see and do in our daily life. We will only be satisfied if we update and show a piece of our life to the world. Most social media users nowadays tend to feel more satisfied if people see our day to day life.

We don’t think of the consequences. Sometimes what we posted online may hurt the people that see it. Not to mention, the popularity that you got from social media may only give temporary happiness. So it is better to keep private and personal things private, and do consider other aspects before you post anything on your social media.

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Makes Us Ungrateful

Well, let’s be truthful to ourselves and admit that we all want something that other people have, but we tend to forget to be grateful for the things that we have in life. What we have in our life is based on our achievements and the things we deserve. So, let’s contain what we have and work hard for other things in life that will lead us to be grateful always.

Connects With The Wrong People

These days, it is common for us to come across scammers. Simply said, we can’t easily trust people neither online nor offline. Nothing (and nowhere) is really safe nowadays. We have to be extra careful with who we communicated online. Scammers are active in planning their scheme. They are always up to something every day, so make sure you put extra attention to those online and don’t simply become friends with anyone.

While there are other reasons why social media could potentially ruin every aspect of our life, it somehow reflects on our action – where we could be more aware of our action in the future. Make use of social media as a platform that we have the control to its usage. I guess that is why some social media have a time limitation on its own app. So we can set up a significant amount of time for us to spend scrolling through the platform. But do we use that feature? I believe only a certain amount of people use such feature. Nevertheless, try to make positive and good use of social media before it eats us up!

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