School Holidays: Unique Kids friendly activities


You say holidays?

Finally, the holidays! After the euphoria of the first days, is your child already getting bored? You must quickly find something to occupy him, and it is not always the easiest task. Nevertheless, there are plenty of activities that can entertain him for long hours while learning. We previously told you about visiting a farm, here now two unusual educational and playful activities in Singapore.

Fire station:

How can I get into a fire station? Do I need to pay? Do I need an appointment? No need, the fire stations have an open house every Saturday morning, from 9 to 11 am. Just walk in and learn more about the Singapore Civil Defense Force, their mission, the roles and functions of fire stations, and what life in a fire station is like. Moreover, it is the perfect occasion for your kids to know more about this underestimate job and the importance to help each other.

Where to go:

Children’s Homes and Charity Organisations

Humanitarian action has no limits. Everyone can help on a humanitarian mission, even families, as long as the will to support and participate in activities is real and proven. For different and varied reasons, some people feel the need to do a humanitarian mission with their family. Besides, many parents believe that this can help children to better appreciate their chances and benefits after seeing the hardships experienced by some populations. It is an adventure that interests children and opens their minds from an early age.

Where to go:

MILK (Mainly I Love Kids)

MILK believes that no child should be left behind regardless of disability, illness, or circumstance. At MILK we think that the best way to commit to our future is through our children. This is why we build-up and work with partners and programmes that develop children into contributing members of society.

Singapore Children’s Society

Singapore Children’s Society protects and nurtures children and youth of all races and religions. In 2017, the Society reached out to 65,536 children, youth and also families in need. Established in 1952, its services have evolved to meet the changing needs of children.

What are your favorite family activities?

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