Sahur Survival Guide: How to Stay Energised This Ramadan


The fasting month is here once more and Muslims all over the country are observing this holy time with prayer and self-denial. The most challenging aspect of Ramadan is, of course, fasting – where you abstain from eating or drinking from dawn to dusk.

If you have small children just learning how to fast for the first time, they may have trouble resisting the hunger and temptation.

But let’s not forget mum and dad either. Even some adults have trouble staying energised and satiated after fasting for 12+ hours. It is a labourous endeavour especially since school or work doesn’t stop just because it’s Ramadan.

If you’re looking for some tips on how to make it through this Ramadan with vitality and energy, here’s your sahur survival guide.

7 Tips to Ease Your Fasting This Ramadan

Adequate Hydration 

For many adults, it may not be the hunger that bothers them so much but the thirst.

But have you ever wondered why even after drinking cups of water, you still find your throat all dry by the end of the day?

If you think filling up on just water during sahur is enough to keep you hydrated for the next 12+ hours, you may be doing it wrong. While water is great for general hydration, it lacks the proper nutrients to truly help you stay fresh all day long.

This is where electrolytes come in.

Electrolytes are beverages infused with important micronutrients like potassium and sodium. These change the properties of the water to be able to retain itself longer in the body (instead of just coming out as pee).

So, instead of opting for pure water, or really any sugary beverage like Milo, drink some isotonic electrolytes. They’ll definitely keep you on your feet longer.

Fibre is Your Friend

While protein, fats and carbs are important for a holistic, nutritious diet, people often forget one of the more crucial nutrients for overall satiety or ‘fullness’: fibre. Predominantly plant-based, fibre is the key ingredient in your sahur survival guide menu. 

Now fibre may not exactly be the tastiest thing on the menu, especially for kids. There are many adults too who do not enjoy vegetables or complex carbs.

 However, you may not want to overdo it. Eating too much can pull too much water out of your gut and possibly lead to constipation and dehydration (which we do not want). 

Most forms of fibre come from plants as mentioned. So, think wholewheat bread, brown rice (instead of white), oatmeal, chia seeds, lentils, beans, sweet potatoes (instead of regular yellow potatoes) and, of course, fruits.

Cruciferous vegetables are also notorious fibre powerhouses. Broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbages, lettuce, cauliflower and, of course, the Asian favourite, bok choy, are all examples of high-fibre must-haves to include in your family’s sahur meal plan.

Pack the Protein

Protein takes a long time to digest so it stays in your gut for a long time. In fact, fibre is a close second to the satiating power of protein. This, of course, includes all the essentials like eggs and poultry but don’t let this stifle your imagination.

Beef, fish, and even plant proteins like tofu and tempeh can help make your fasting that much more bearable.

Protein is good for keeping hunger pangs at bay and they also help burn fat, for all those mums and dads who may want to lose a couple of inches before Raya.

But if the thought of eating large amounts of meat everyday for the next 30 days sounds nauseating, you can opt for protein shakes or smoothies too. These do cost quite a penny but they essentially simplify your protein intake.

Plus, they come in a variety of flavours too which can greatly appeal to children.

Volume Eating

Combining the above ideas, it is also a good idea to explore the concept of volume eating.

This may sound like a lot for sahur first thing in the morning, so only do in moderation. Basically the idea of volume eating is to load up on low-calorie but nutrient dense foods like cruciferous vegetables. 

Doing so not only keeps you full longer but also prevents unnecessary weight gain. The trick is to make something like a salad with lots of fibre and protein. The meal should ideally contain 3 to 4 serving sizes.

As both protein and fibre are slow digesting nutrients, they will keep you full much longer than if you just opted for one or the other. 

Liquid Energy

While complex carbohydrates can offer a sustained energy supply throughout the day without causing sugar spikes, it may also not be enough. This is where energy drinks come in handy. 

You may be tempted to reach for the caffeine or the energy drink. While those offer a significant boost in energy, they are also not long-lasting, only giving you a couple of hours of energy before the inevitable crash.

Isotonic drinks or electrolytes are great for energy too. But you may want to think about something more natural or at the very least, home-made. You may want to fortify your protein smoothie with some energising fruits.

Bananas, berries, apples and, of course, dates. Yes, you don’t need to wait until iftar to eat dates. They can be an amazing energy booster during sahur too.

The fibre in the fruits ensure that the energy is released slowly and gradually, preventing any sugar spikes or sugar crashes.

Energise Your Ramadan

The fasting month doesn’t have to be a sluggish and slow period of the year for you.

Our sahur survival guide ensures you have all that you need to make it through these tough times for you and your family.

Hopefully with these suggestions, you can survive the next 30 days with bright eyes and a pep in your step, ready to celebrate Hari Raya in April!

Ramadan Mubarak with love from Mamahood! May Allah’s blessings shine upon you and yours throughout this sacred month.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Mamahood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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