Three Reasons Why We Should Do Spring Cleaning Now

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Another new year will soon dawn upon us. We usually like to start a new year with a clean sweep and start afresh.

One of the ways I like to start my new year is to have my home cleaned out. A good spring cleaning can be very satisfying and gives our home a new breath of fresh air.

While I’m at it, I usually do lots of decluttering as well. But that can be for another time if you don’t have the time to do both.

Most of us dread having to spring clean because it’s quite a lot of hard work. And the time involved, too! Yet, there are many good reasons why we really should get down to it. 

Three Good Reasons To Spring Clean

1. Better hygiene and health for the family

Clearing out things that have been collecting dust, hidden cobweb and all, it helps to lessen allergy triggers for some of us who are affected by them. Many children suffer from sinus or other kinds of allergies these days. We never know what could have been the cause. Dust mildew, mold, lint, pet dander, etc., could contribute to these triggers.

Doing a deep clean would give our homes better air circulation and removing possible allergy triggers. 

It’s not just the spaces that we need to tackle, but things like our mattress, blankets, sofa covers, carpets and rugs, curtains, etc., can collect lots of dust and particles too.

Having said that, we don’t need to enforce a home that’s overly clean, because that’s not the best to build a strong immune system. We just need to be moderate and clean out thick layers of dust that have gathered over a long period of time.

2. It is a way to destress

Spring cleaning should include some form of decluttering of unwanted and unused things around the house too. Clutter around us can cause a lot of stress in us without us knowing. Seeing things piled up, even if they are hidden away, can stir unpleasant feelings in us. Worse yet if they are in plain sight and we keep putting off organising them properly because we don’t have time.

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Now is the time to once and for all tackle the clutter issue. The best way is to declutter things you’ve not touched at all in the last six months. 

“Neuroscience researchers using fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) and other physiological measurements found clearing clutter from the home and work environment resulted in a better ability to focus and process information, as well as increased productivity.”

Source: newsGP

3. Give us some much needed mind space

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While we are focused on the activity of cleaning, it can take our minds off the usual things that keep us anxious and worried. During the time you’re cleaning, you may find some peaceful time, just concentrating on that moment. 

Your mind would be focused on just scrubbing, or sweeping, wiping, etc., and as a result, it steers clear of the usual things that trouble you. For some people the act of cleaning itself is therapeutic and even meditative.

This is one way for some moments of mindfulness, and at the same time having your home cleaned out. 

“It’s healthy to use cleaning to clear your mind, gain perspective, and take a break from your worries. But it shouldn’t be used to hide from problems,” says a clinical psychologist, Forrest Talley.

Source: HuffPost

Tips To Make Spring Cleaning Easier And More Pleasant

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Make a Schedule

Work with a plan in mind instead of starting to clean up haphazardly. Give it some thoughts before starting, it will save us lots of time wondering where and how to start.

We don’t need to complete everything in one go or even one day. Break down the cleaning schedule according to the time you have, by the areas that need cleaning. Remember that our goal is to clean, not to wear ourselves out. 

Make a List And Stay On It

Once we have listed what needs to be done and time allocated for each, just stay focused on the tasks at hand. This way, we are more productive and will definitely accomplish what we set out to do.

Begin and finish one task at a time before moving to the next. It really helps to stay on course at all times.

If you get tired, it’s good to take a break and return to the same task and not start another area. When we have all the unfinished spots stare back at us at the end of the day, it gives us more stress instead.

Hire Help For Difficult Areas

There are many cleaning services out there that we can hire for help. After you’ve done up your cleaning plan, look through and see which areas you will need help with. If you’re not able to climb up to clean the top of shelves, wardrobes and ceiling fans, get the hired help to do these difficult areas for you.

This saves you some time so you can get more done on your end with the rest of the areas you’ve identified. 

A Clean Home Is For Everyone’s Benefit

Image credit: Pexels

A clean house makes a difference to everyone’s well-being. It may be subtle, but the effects are there. Keeping a regular cleaning and spring cleaning schedule would do us all good. 

It’ll be a great idea to include the family in this activity. It doesn’t have to be a dreaded thing, even for the kids. Cleaning up has proven to be able to lift someone’s spirits because it gives them a feeling of control as they engage in the activity.

We don’t need to boss everyone around and make it such a chore. It can be discussed to see who gets to do what, and everyone contributes happily to it. For young children, even giving them a damp cloth to wipe and clean their toys is still a contribution. So make it a fun family bonding activity. Make it lively, put on some music and find some sparkling joy in it.