The Pros And Cons Of Epidural During Labour


The epidural injection is known to be a pain reliever for women who wish to go through a painless delivery process. Mothers who are going through labour for the first time will undoubtedly be afraid and wish to give birth to their baby in the least difficult way. Here are a few of the pros and cons of using the epidural injection during labour.

The Two Types of Epidural Injections

There are two basic types of epidural anaesthesia available, according to the American Pregnancy Association. The specific type of epidurals used by different hospitals is different. Hence, you should find out beforehand which epidural your hospital utilises.

The effect of a regular epidural is very strong and will cause the mother to feel very numb and ‘dead’. This causes movements to be very difficult and the mother will need assistance in order to give birth actively.

The walking epidural uses similar kinds of medications as the regular epidural, only in lesser amounts. Mothers using this epidural will have a little sensation on the lower part of their bodies, unlike the regular epidural. With this, the mother can participate more actively during labour.

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The Pros

The first and main benefit of the epidural is to deliver a baby painlessly. The epidural could be used both during a natural birth or a C-section. It can also help the mother rest if the labour is going to take a while. To conclude, it allows a mother to have a better birth experience without having to go through so much pain.

The Cons

Some risks of an epidural would include side effects. For instance, mothers may suffer from soreness and backache, severe headaches, constant bleeding from the injection, fever, difficulty in breathing and sudden drop in blood pressure. It is very dangerous as it can slow down the baby’s heartbeat rate.

It is incredibly important to be aware of the fact that though these risks exist, they are also very rare.

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