More Than Milk: Why Dairy Rocks for Your Child’s Health


Dairy products have lined our supermarket aisles for decades; and for good reason. It’s not just that they’re delicious, convenient and versatile. 

Rich in protein, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, and vitamins A, D and B12, milk is a highly nutritious food that everyone should add into their diet.

Whether it’s milk, yoghurt or cheese, dairy products come in a variety of forms. Plus they’re chock full of nutrients to help your kids grow strong and healthy.

Here are just some of the benefits of dairy products. 

5 Ways Dairy Products Can Boost Your Child’s Health

Builds Strong Bones and Teeth

Dairy products are an excellent source of calcium. It’s one of the most important minerals needed by the body to support the development and maintenance of bones and teeth.

Since children are constantly going through rapid growth, they out of all age groups, require calcium the most.

Studies show that children who regularly consume milk and cheese are less likely to develop cavities later in life. This highlights the protective effect of dairy products on dental health.

Not only that, calcium also prevents bone-related diseases like osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition that causes brittle or weak bones that are common among adults and the elderly. 

So dairy products don’t just benefit your kids now in the present, but years down the line when they eventually become adults themselves.

Supports Muscle Growth and Repair

Due to the high content of protein in milk, dairy products are great for building muscle. But that’s not just what protein is good for.

At its core, protein is made up of amino acids. These are the biological building blocks, the raw material that our body uses to repair and build itself including our organs. 

Protein is also needed for pretty much everything, from wound healing to hair growth to supporting our immune system and producing important enzymes and hormones.

Greek yoghurt, for instance, has the some of the highest protein content out of many dairy products. Milk itself is considered a ‘complete protein’ contain all the nine essential amino acids needed by the body. 

So you see why dairy may just be the convenient food that your child needs in their everyday diet.

Supports Gut Health

Believe it or not, milk has been found to have a prebiotic effect thanks to a compound in it called galactooligosaccharides

Prebiotics are compounds (most predominantly found in the foods we eat) that support the growth of good gut bacteria in our intestines.

A healthy gut health supported by an abundance of beneficial bacteria not only aids in digestion, but also keeps the immune system in optimal condition.

Milk, especially fermented milk products like yoghurt and cheese, contain not only prebiotics, but probiotics as well, the microorganisms that our gut needs to function properly. 

Both of these work in synergy to heal, strengthen and balance the gut.

Promotes Brain Health

Milk isn’t just good for the body; it’s good for the brain, too. 

While cognitive performance or ‘IQ’ is dependent on multiple factors such as genetics and parental attention, diet plays a huge role in it as well.

Dairy products, which are rich in certain nutrients, can help support your child’s brain development in various ways. 

Pure milk contains vitamin D which not only supports executive function (memory, self-regulation, problem solving), but also has a protective effect against mental decline as a result of old age. 

Studies also found potent compounds in milk like gangliosides and milk fat globule membrane that show significant promise in supporting cognitive development in children.

Fermented dairy products rich in pre- and probiotics also promote cognitive health by maintaining a healthy gut-brain connection. 

Helping in the production of important neurotransmitters and hormones that the brain needs to function at full capacity.

Protective Against Various Diseases

Studies show that milk may protect you against various common diseases. Everything from cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart attacks, to obesity and type 2 diabetes. 

Your overall health is, of course, dependent on various factors such as lifestyle, diet, family history and physical activity.

However, dairy products may just help your child’s chances of living a long and productive life. As they say, prevention is better than cure.  

Experts are not yet sure how dairy is able to do this, but the popular consensus is that it has anti-inflammatory properties. 

The fact that fermented milk products also support gut health also means that it has an indirect effect on the immune system.

So aside from straight up milk, bulking your child’s diet with plenty of yoghurt may just be enough to feel a difference in your health.

Embrace the Power of Dairy

The power of dairy cannot be understated. Especially when it comes to promoting your child’s overall, long-term health.

Not only does it help support the growth and development of healthy bones and teeth, it can also promote brain, heart and gut health. 

But as with everything, moderation is key. And a healthy diet requires balance.

That said, milk might just be the key ingredient in your child’s nutrition that will ensure their health and wellbeing for years to come.

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