Don’t Kiss My Baby – Ways To Say it Politely


Image Credit: The Pulse - Pregistry

“Please don’t kiss my baby.” There really is something about babies. They are cute, small, cuddly and always smell good. It usually is a common sense not to kiss a baby, especially when you don’t know the mom and the baby or if you’re having a cold. It’s quite rude. But sometimes, there are still many out there who thinks that it’s okay to touch a baby.

Have you ever found yourself wanting to tell others not to kiss your baby but is afraid to do so? Maybe at times, you would think that telling them not to is rude? I know that it can be tricky, especially to your relatives and those whom you are close with. Fear not parents, let’s read these mothers tricks on how to say “No” in a polite manner!

Image Credit: Florida Hospital

Ways To Say It And Still Sound Sweet

1. Immunization

Usually, it is not recommended that anyone who has not been vaccinated with a Whooping Cough to hold a baby under eight weeks old. This is because babies can only very be immunized for this disease at six weeks and it takes two weeks to be effective. Anyone with a cold sore on their mouth is not allowed near the baby. Both whooping cough and cold sores can be fatal to newborns.

Once she has had her immunizations and if someone did want to kiss her and they are well, I would give them her foot, hand or the top of her head. If they were going in to kiss her near the mouth though I would politely ask that they did not. I would give a reason, so they don’t feel bad such as “she has not had her full set of immunizations yet” which is true – her final immunizations are given at about four years old!

said Lee, 30.

2. Hugging and Playing

With affectionate relatives, it can be hard at times. But this is a safer way to offer them a safe way to be loving with the baby, without telling them off!

said Angie Tan S.Y, 28.

Image Credit: Florida Hospital

3. My Baby Does Not Respond Well With Strangers

Take this as an advantage parents! If someone wants to touch your baby and you don’t want others to think that you’re rude, just tell them that your baby doesn’t like strangers! Usually, I tell them this,

Oh, I’m sorry, but he doesn’t respond well with strangers and he will meltdown if anyone touches him.

Most strangers often back off after telling them this because no one wants to make a baby cry, right? -Anonymous

4. Be Direct

Sometimes, you just have to be direct. Make sure that you are making it clear. You can use the line,

I’m sorry, but I think there’s a flu going around. So, if you don’t mind, can you please not kiss my baby?

Most people will take it well and just peer in for a look. -Anonymous

Hope that these are really helpful for all you mothers out there! Let me know what you think and what are your own ways of saying it politely.

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