Your Kids May Have Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder


Credit: Today's Parent

To all women who are already a mother, or soon to be a mother, here is something you guys should read about, this is for the good of your children. It can help you to make a change in your kid’s life.

Your kids may have ‘Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder’ ADHD. These days we think that kids with over hyperactivity are a healthy thing. But there is something more behind their hyperactivities.


Well, the many first signs are do you notice that your child have trouble focusing? Or are they more active than the other kids? If yes, then continue reading this until you get to know what ADHD means.

Few symptoms will be listed here for parents to read on:

 Attention: Do your child have difficulty paying attention to you when you are talking to them or when anybody else is talking to them? ADHD kids will have a difficulty paying attention to things they are not interested. These include difficulty paying attention in classes, or home.

Credit: Virgin

Explorer: Instead of playing safely like the rest of the kid does, your child they love to play with something different than other kids. They don’t like playing with things that do not challenge them. They enjoy playing with things or kinds of stuff that challenges them. But be very careful because you have no idea what they would like and love to explore.

Credit: 2tech Ltd

Emotional Turmoil: An ADHD kid has trouble keeping their emotion on track and these cause tantrums in some kids. It can happen for many reasons. For example, they are watching kids movies from your phone, and suddenly you take the phone from them. They will begin screaming, and that is when their tantrums will come out.

Credit: AzerNews

Hard to listen: Even when spoken to directly, your child seems not to attend. There are ways that you can talk to your child if you want them to listen. Have sweets with you or maybe things like toys to get him to listen to you or anything that you know they will want it.

Credit: Today Show

Easily distracted: They get easily distracted by anything. Sometimes or most of the times kids they have focus issues which are not always the outside world. But most of the times they are easily attracted by their on thought. And they may end up daydreaming.

Credit: Debbie Zeichner, LCSW

Fidgetiness: Your child can’t sit still. They may try to find ways to get up and run around or even jump around. Fidget or squirm when forced to sit in one place. It is tough for them to sit quietly. When they have to sit still, it is something very challenging for them.


Have problems with playing quietly:  Impatience from ADHD kids can make their impatience behavioral challenging to play quietly or engage calmly in an activity. They can be controlled to perform silently, but after a few minutes, they will return to being themselves.

Credit: Verywell Family

These are all the main important points that parents should look out for in their kids. If any of your kids are having these symptoms mentioned above, bring them to a child paediatricians. The faster you are aware of the condition, the better your kid will deal with this.

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