How to react when my kid lies?

kids lies

My daughter lies to me; my son lies to me…

Why does the child lie? Where to place the limit between a lie and the truth? Why does he lie? How to react when the child lies?

Mamahood will try to provide an answer and explication to these questions.

Why do the toddlers lie sometimes?

The young children often tell small lies without evil intentions. From the age of 2 years and until approximately 5 years, a child can lie to avoid be argued or by fear of displeasing. He is mainly going to try to hide a gesture which he put and which he regrets (e.g.: he brake a vase…). At this age, he does not do well the difference between of good or bad actions.

Besides, before 5 or 6 years, a child does not do well yet the difference between the reality and the imagination He can distort the truth to have fun, to make laugh or to imagine a fact which seems to him more interesting. For example, he tells that he has an astronaut father. These “inventions” are somewhat the reflection of the dreams and the desires of the child than the real lies.

As a parent, it is important to take these small lies for what they are instead of considering them a problem.

How to react?

Here are some tips to encourage your child to tell the truth:

Praise your child when he says the truth, even if it is to confess a mistake. For instance, if your child admits having broken his brother’s glasses. You can tell him that you appreciate him telling you, and then find a way to fix his gesture.

Explain to him why it is important, to tell the truth: “When people tell the truth, it helps us to trust them. Ask him how he would react if someone lied to him. A child adopts family values more easily when he knows them and when he understands their purpose.

Put words on your child’s emotion or desires. You will help him understand why he did not tell the truth. For example: “You would have liked not to break the vase, would you? ”

“The best way to make children good is to make them happy.” Oscar Wild