Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease (HFMD): Causes & Symptoms



HFMD or Hand, foot, and mouth disease is mild but is a highly contagious infection that is common in children, especially children who are under the age of 5. There’s no treatment for this disease, but you can still prevent from getting infected. Frequent hand washing and avoiding close contact with people who are infected with hand-foot-and-mouth disease can help prevent your child’s from getting affected. This disease is caused by viruses and is characterised by blisters or sores in the mouth, and you will find rashes on their hands and feet, but this mild condition will usually go away after a few days.

Credit: Raising Natural Kids

What are the symptoms of HFMD?

The first signs of hand, foot, and mouth disease is fever and it will be followed by  loss of appetite and sore throat.

On the first two days after they have a fever, they will then develop sores in front of their mouth or throat, and for the following days, their hands, feet and their butts will develop rashes.

Credit: Psych Central Blogs

What causes HFMD?

Children who are infected with hand, foot, and mouth disease are mostly affected by coxsackievirus A16, and oral ingestion is one of the primary sources of the disease. It can be spread by person to person if they are in contact with that person’s saliva, respiratory droplets after that person coughs or sneeze or even if your child is in contact with that person through direct contact with unwashed hands.
For children who have eczema, the condition hand, foot, and mouth disease can spread to areas where there is underlying eczema.

Credit: Caversham Nursery School

Is HFMD Dangerous?

Often, children who are infected by this condition will get better without any complications, but for some children, the main risk is dehydration because some children refuse to eat or drink when they have mouth sores. Furthermore, after 2-3 months, that child might experience painless shedding of nails, but don’t worry, it is harmless, and new nails will grow in regularly again.


Credit: good2grow

It is best to avoid people who have foot and mouth disease. If you know anyone who is having HFMD in your child’s school or nursery, please do not send him or her to school. Make sure that your child is protected. In addition, note that hand, foot and mouth disease is different from foot and mouth disease.

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