How to help your child overcome his shyness


Boy (5-7) pulling sweater over face, portrait

No, shyness is not innate. It always has some causes, and we can get rid of it. Eyes on the ground, tiny voices, and scarlet cheeks… As soon as we speak to him, there is nothing to do: your darling is overwhelmed by shyness. A situation not always obvious to manage whether at school, with friends or even a family reunion. To help you better support your child Mamahood gives you some tips.

What are the possible causes of this shyness?

The way parents act can also cause a toddler to be shy or increase a child’s shyness. For example, parents who use fear to be obeyed place them in a state of insecurity. The child then loses confidence in himself and becomes more shy. The experiences of the child also have an influence. For example, a child who is often told that he is shy by his family or who is being abused by other children in the daycare can develop certain insecurity compared to others and become shyer.

How to help a shy kid?

The shy child needs to gain self-confidence and be secure. By having a positive attitude, you can help your child be less fearful of the unknown and reduce his feeling of insecurity. Here’s what you can do to help him overcome his shyness.

Empower your child

To gain self-confidence, your child needs to be valued and to feel that he is important to you. In order to encourage him, suggest that he make choices according to his tastes. This gives him the chance to make small decisions and gain confidence. For example, he can choose his clothes, books to read before sleeping or a game to do with the family.

Also, be interested in what he does. For example, when drawing or crafting, ask him about his creation. This develops his ability to express himself and helps him to feel interesting. Feeling loved and appreciated helps to overcome shyness.

Help your child connect with other children

If your child has difficulty going to other children, invite a friend home. By being in a familiar environment, your child will feel more comfortable.

At the park, show your child ways to join a group. Finally, praise him when he manages to overcome his shyness.

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