4 Secrets of Kids Who Rarely Gets Sick


Credit: MaDailyLife

A happy and healthy child is every parent’s dream, and we always look for ways to keep them happy and healthy. Let’s be true. There’s nothing worse than seeing your little one struggle and being uncomfortably sick. But overprotecting your child from germs and microbes is also not always helpful.

According to Rachael Buck, PhD., a lead research scientist and resident gut health expert at Abbott Nutrition, she stated that research has shown that children may actually benefit from the exposure of germs, which offers greater protection from illness, allergies and other autoimmune diseases.

So, what should I do to keep my kids and their immune system healthy? Don’t worry parents, here are some ways to prevent your kids from getting sick easily!

Credit: A Better Start – National Science Challenge

1. Healthy diet

Make sure that your child gets enough fruits, vegetables, and protein as it will help them boost their immune system. Your little ones need to be sufficiently nourished to fight those germs and bacteria. Give them oranges and cereals which are really rich in vitamin C and also Vitamin D. The ultimate immune boosters that empower your child’s body to fight off sickness are Vitamin A, C and D. So parents, make sure that your little ones eat up lots of greens, citruses and also yellow veggies such as carrots. Yoghurt, on the other hand, will build up their body defenses.

2. Get active physically

Please make sure that your child is physically active. Make sure they exercise at least two times a week. Playing outdoors allows them to burn calories, which helps prevent obesity and other heart-related diseases and also help them practice physical skills. It boosts their brain to increase his or her attention and concentration. Encourage them to spend some time outside of their home. Go on a jog with them or go for a short walk in the park just to get them moving.

Credit: My Kids Lick The Bowl

3. Hygiene

Promote healthy  habits and hygiene to your little ones. A clean child is a healthy child, so it’s important for them to know the basics of cleanliness and hygiene at an early age. The most basic hygienic action you can teach your child is to wash their hands. Don’t just teach them to wash their hands, but to wash properly. Make sure they wash before and after their meal.

4. Sleep

It’s important for children to sleep for at least 10 to 11 hours of sleep. Sleep is related to their health in many ways. Why do I say so? That’s because they will prevent from being obese or even developing diabetes. Sleeping is when your child’s body repackages neurotransmitters, chemicals which will enable brain cells to communicate. There is proper circulation of stress hormones, and your child’s cholesterol levels will be maintained.

Now that you know the few secrets of kids who rarely fall sick, there is another secret that every parent need to know. The answer is pretty obvious. Visit the doctor regularly. Regular doctor’s visit helps your child and you to know whether they are developing and growing normally. Therefore, parents, these are the few ways for you to take good care of your child’s health and they will be happy and healthy.

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