Hangry No More: 5-minute After-School Meal Ideas


Parents with young kids know all too well the challenges of aligning your child’s eating schedule with your own. 

Kids need so much fuel to grow, so their appetites are vastly different from adults.

Your kids aren’t just bored, they’re actually starving, especially after a long day of learning and playing. 

So when those after school hunger pangs come, you’re torn between two options: make them a full blown meal or starve them until dinner time. 

But there is the golden mean that you can choose: snacks.

Yes, snacks don’t have to be unhealthy. There are ways to stave off your child’s after-school snacks without sacrificing those pre-planned family meals.

However, you do need to think carefully before making them a snack. 

The trick to ensuring optimal satiety is including plenty of high protein options.

Protein is very filling, much more than carbs. So, pack on as much protein (as well as fibre) you can for your child’s after school snacks.

Here are some great menu suggestions that will surely appeal to your kids.

Kid-Friendly After-School Meals

Liquid Snacks

Who said snacks have to be solid food?

While the idea of soups and stews being a snack is debatable, they are filling, but not too much to the point where you have no appetite for dinner.

The beauty of ‘liquid snacks’ is that they can be prepared in advance and then reheated at a moment’s notice during those pesky hunger pangs.

Combined with some croutons or a small piece of bread, they are a great addition for your kids’ after school meal menu.

Be sure to add plenty of protein such as beef or chicken (and vegetables as well like cabbages and carrots).

But hold off on the rice or pasta or any other extra carbs. These may fill them up too much and be considered a full meal instead of a quick one.

Grazing Plate

Taking inspiration from the idea of charcuterie boards, you can cut the effort in half when preparing quick after-school meals with ‘grazing plates’.

These basically consist of small, bit-sized foods that you can pile onto a plate for your kids to munch on while they watch TV or do homework after school.

They don’t take up a lot of space, are relatively mess-free and require no cooking.

Moreover, they are so easy to customise and change.

Simply decide on a range of snacks that your child likes and arrange them on a plate.

Think nuts, cut-up pieces of fruit like apples and grapes, cheese cubes, crackers and veggies.

Yoghurt Bowl

On the list of satiating things that kids love: yoghurt. And not the sweetened kind with flavors added in, but specifically, Greek yogurt.

Full of protein, calcium and probiotics, Greek yogurt is a healthy option for an after-school snack.

Nuts and berries and fruits are a staple in yogurt bowls of course. The more colourful the better as this can certainly make them more appealing to eat.

If your kids do like sweet things, opt for stevia (which are 100% safe for kids), or a bit of sugar-free maple syrup.

If you want to add more bulk, mix it with some pre-cooked oats or bloomed chia seeds. These add extra fibre that can help keep your keeps satiated until dinner time.

Loaded Omelettes

What could be more filling than an omelettes? Eggs are, after all, 90% protein.

But just normal omelets are boring and dull, even if they are quick and easy to make. 

To make snacking interesting, try loaded omelettes (like loaded potatoes) which is just a fancy way of saying omelettes with extra things added into it.

The sky is the limit, so be creative (within reason). Some things go good with eggs; others, not so much.

Cheese such as feta, cottage or mozzarella are amazing with omelettes.

You can also add fresh or sundried tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms, peas, corn or even capsicums.

If your kids like ham or other cured meats, you may add them in too, but keep those to a minimum.

Fast Snacks for Your Little Ones

Snacks don’t have to be complicated. 

But out of all the same suggestions listed down over and over again, we hope these ones inspire you to diversify your child’s palette. 

When your child comes home from school all cranky and starving, you’ll have something already prepared for the afternoon for them to munch on. 

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