Fun Finger Foods List To Put Babies On


Image Credit: Today's Parent

It’s so much fun to know that your baby is starting to feed themselves solids. That joy when you see them feeding themselves, taking over their meal time and mastering the pincer grasp. But sometimes, coming up with the idea of what to feed them can be quite… challenging. But worry not parents, here are a go-to-list of fun finger foods to put your baby on!

Image Credit: Pinterest

Master list Of Fun Finger Foods For Your Little Angels

Food # 1: Green peas
Green peas are a great start for your baby to master the pincer grip! Green peas have a great texture and also offers a whole new taste for your baby! You can either steam, boil it or give it to them just like that. Your baby will have a fun snack time!

Food # 2: Soft fruits
Ripe fruits are naturally soft, which makes them the best finger food for babies. Not to mention how healthy fruits are! Cut them into small pieces and serve them to your little one.

Image Credit : and Jacob makes three

Food # 3: Cheese
Who doesn’t love cheese? We all do! If your baby doesn’t show any signs of dairy allergy, it is entirely safe to introduce them to soft cheese. Introduce them cheese that is mild and not too milky, such as cheddar.

Food # 4: Cereals
Dry cereals are excellent finger food because once it enters a child’s mouth, it starts to soften and dissolve. And the good part is that it isn’t choking hazard!

Image Credit: My Kids Lick The Bowl

Food # 5: Avocados
This rich source of omega 3 and fatty acids fruit isn’t only delicious, but it can also help boost your baby’s brain. Avocados are often made as one of the first baby finger foods even if your little one has no teeth. Note that avocados can get real messy fast. Snap some hilarious moments to add in the photo album!

Food # 6: Pasta
Though we all cook our pastas al dente, but when it comes to feeding your little one, make sure to overcook it so it’s soft. To start with, cook penne or small kinds of pasta which comes in different shapes. At first, serve it plain, but as soon as your baby is more adventurous, toss the pasta in olive oil or a little tomato sauce.

Well parents, here you go! These are some finger foods ideas to put your babies on. Let me know what type of finger foods you’re giving your little angel!

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