4 Biggest Dad Fears & How to Overcome Them


Credit: Growing Your Baby

Your hubby might be super hyped to be a dad, but there’s a high chance that he’s a little anxious, stressed or might we say… fearful? As the big day approaches, it’s common to feel all these mixed feelings because you tend to think about what’s to come and the changes that are about to happen in your new stage of life.

But, we’re here to help all you daddies to overcome or maybe ease the pressure you’re having! Let’s all calm down now and not to mention… there’ll be plenty of sleepless nights once the baby arrives! BUT! You’ll enjoy the journey, trust me, dads!

Credit: Welcome Baby

Here are the few biggest daddy fears!

Fear no.1: What if I’m not a good father?

Growing up, many have experienced what it’s like to not have a father. And speaking of which, you don’t want to repeat what you felt because you know what it’s like to not have a father. Many will either mirror their father or do the opposite.

What you can do is try talking to your closed ones or maybe talk to your other half. Be open about it and let me remind you of the great news here. You aren’t your dad or anyone else but you! You will be an incredible father!

Fear no.2: Will I do everything right?

Dear dads, it’s okay to be clueless. Moms, help him learn if he doesn’t know how something works. Of course, it’s hard to be confident in something you’ve never done before. Parenting is actually a skill you’ll learn as you go. After all, practice makes perfect!

Credit: Direct Advice for Dads

Fear no.3: Am I ready?

Am I ready to be a dad? Am I prepared for this change? For this commitment?

You’re not alone, you’re in the majority. Very few are actually ready for this new life. Becoming a dad can actually trigger a ‘provider’ mindset which is scary for men. Research has shown that approximately 80% of men feel this way, adding the pressure of the commitment and responsibility they’re going to make. Talk to people around you and be open about it.

Fear no.4: Will I be able to stop my baby from crying?

It’s natural for a mom to stop a baby from crying easily but now you have to push the bonding process. Don’t take the baby away from his or her dad when they cry. At first, it’s normal for a new dad to feel helpless but it won’t take long for him to master this problem. You’ll be a pro in no time!

Credit: Pinterest

Dads, don’t ignore your fears, voice out whatever you’re feeling. No one will judge you. Talking about what you’re feeling with your other half will not only bring both of you closer together but also deal with this major life adjustment. Have fun throughout this journey, don’t be too stressed out. Trust me, you’ll cherish every second of it.

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