Should I Circumcise My Baby Boy or Not?



Most of us know that male circumcision is carried out as an Islamic culture by Muslims. The other religions too, tend to practice male circumcision for health purposes, and it is now a worldwide practice. Regardless of your faith, sometimes, you’ll wonder if your baby boy should get circumcised. Now, let me tell you why you may want to consider circumcision.

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What is Circumcision?

Circumcision is an optional procedure where the foreskin, which covers the tip of a boys’ penis will be removed.

Benefits of Circumcision

Image Credit: You The Daddy
  1. Hygienic

It is untrue that uncircumcised penises are dirty and unsanitary, but they do require a different way of cleaning to prevent infections or inflammatories. Whereas circumcised penises are easier to take care of because they do not collect any white substances underneath the foreskin and also prevents it from getting infected.

  1. STDs

Although it is not proven by studies, it is said that circumcision of a male’s penis will reduce the risk of getting STDs, which is a sexually transmitted disease.

  1. Infections in the foreskin

Occasionally, irritation may occur. This isn’t a complicated thing to handle, because it is easily treated with warm soaks. In rare occasions, the foreskin may be infected. Antibiotics are then needed to heal the irritation.

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  1. Penile cancer

Circumcised babies will have a very tiny percentage of not getting penile cancer, but, it is said that circumcised men will have a much lower chance of getting penile cancer.

  1. UTIs

UTI is urinary tract infection. It can happen anywhere in your urinary tract and circumcision can reduce the risk in a newborn baby. In the year 2012, an analysis stated that uncircumcised boys are 10 times more likely to get UTIs compared to those who have undergone the procedure.

  1. HIV

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), circumcising the penis will reduce the risk of getting HIV infection. HIV, also known as the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, is a virus that can be passed on from person to person through the bloodstream.

Image Credit: Postpartum Doula NJ

Tips on Cleaning your Child’s Penis

Parents, expect the penis to look raw and swollen afterwards.

– Change the bandage after each diapering and apply petroleum jelly on the diaper and the penis. Continue this routine until the healing is complete.

– Call your paediatrician if your baby is having a fever, discharge or has urinating difficulty.

If you decide not to circumcise your child, it’s okay! But, make sure you:

– Clean it with warm and soapy water

– Do not pull back the foreskin to clean it as it will cause injury. It will loosen on its own.

Parents, we respect your decisions. If you’re still wondering if you should circumcise your child, discuss with your partner about it. Ask yourself if you have any reason to circumcise your baby. If it’s for religious purposes, follow your faith. If not, then you may want to consider the information I gave. After all, it really is up to you!

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