Are People Without Kids Happier?


Credit: Today Show

Is it real that childfree couples are happier than couples with kids?

Well, it also seems to people that children can bring rays of sunshine to a home. But, in reality, this does not always happen. Many women look forward to being a mother. Most people in this world believe that being a parent is the most rewarding part of life, but I have done some research, and it turns out that… it isn’t quite right.

You can go around asking people if having kids makes them happier, their answer will always be “Yes.” But, is this all true or is it merely just a stereotype? Perhaps, having children can make one feel happier, but there are also some that might be lying. Since you are here, let me tell you if childfree couples are happier.

Credit: Chelsea Davis Photography

1. Financial and career freedom

This is a fact. Childfree couples are more likely to have financial and career freedom. Non-parents are more likely to save over 20% of their savings every month because they don’t have any financial dependents and they, apparently, do not have to worry about any type of parenting stress.

2. They have a more exciting social life

It’s true that non-parents are more likely to eat in a more classy restaurant often. Most of them share the same passion too, which is travelling and when it comes to spending, they will usually “splurge” on themselves.

3. Non-parents worry less

Parents, on the other hand, worry more about their kids’ education, health care, taxes, the economy, and of course, not to mention, money.

Credit: Jonathan Yacoub

4. More sleep

Well, let’s be honest. Non-parents do get more sleep compared to parents. According to studies, it is shown that 75% non-parents are more likely to sleep an average amount of sleep every day. Approximately 29% of parents get lesser than six hours of sleep, and that is why most of them drink coffee every day without fail.

5. Healthier lifestyle

Approximately 73% of them said that they don’t eat at fast food restaurants. 62% of parents are more likely to smoke compared to childfree couples. 27% of parents say that they never exercise or consider themselves overweight.

Therefore, are non-parents happier compared to those with children?

The answer is both yes and no. Despite all the chaos in their lives, parents still find themselves happier, and of course, there are also those who are unhappy. But after all, love comes from the adventure of a family, sacrifices and the unconditional love.

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