Can I Consume Alcohol When Breastfeeding?



Can I consume alcohol when breastfeeding? This question has been asked around by mothers all around the world, and they often receive advice on whether drinking alcohol will affect their baby’s health. Well, it could be harmful because the amount of alcohol you consume will make it into your bloodstream to form breast milk. But of course, breastfeeding and alcohol are not against the law, and if you know how to control your alcohol intake, it shouldn’t be harmful to your little one. If you are still worried about it, here are some things to take into consideration.


Things to consider:

  1. The baby’s age should come into consideration because a newborn baby has an immature liver
  2. A newborn’s size can determine their metabolism rate.
  3. The amount of alcohol intake is directly related to the amount of alcohol intake
  4. It is better if you consume alcohol together with food to decrease the absorption rate in the bloodstream.
Credit: Heads Up Launceston

Can alcohol affect the milk supply?

According to studies, mothers who consume alcohol are more likely to nurse more than those who don’t but the metabolism rate of the baby isn’t going to be the same as to adults, and they will tend to consume lesser milk than they would, or they would drink milk 3-4 hours after the mother consumed. But some studies too stated that any form of alcohol or beer do not increase the supply of milk because alcohol tends to dehydrate your body and makes you lose fluid.

Credit: VinePair

How can I safely breastfeed my baby if I drink?

Take note that your blood alcohol level is the highest 30 to 90 minutes after you drink. Be sure to wait at least 3 to 4 hours after to feed your baby and you can also give your body a chance to clear the alcohol level.   

Another way is to pump your milk and store it before having a drink. To avoid dehydration, drink a glass of water when drinking and if you want to lower the amount of alcohol in your blood and milk, make sure to eat during or before your drink.

Some mothers may be worried about consuming alcoholic drinks. If you are concerned, you can choose not to drink or instead enjoy non-alcoholic beverages instead. But most mothers prefer to not drink at this period of breastfeeding because breastfeeding is not an easy thing.

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