6 Reasons Why Breastfeeding is Beneficial for Your Little Angel

Breastfeeding is a personal matter for every mother out there. Most mothers choose to breastfeed their child, and there are some who decided not to. Breast milk is the best and most perfect nature’s food for babies. Breast milk is known to contain immunity-boosting antibodies and healthy enzymes. Many medical experts recommend that mothers should breastfeed for at least up to 6 months. Here are some benefits of breastfeeding:

Credit: The Lifestyle Library

1. Breast milk provides nutrition for babies

Like I stated earlier, most medical experts recommend mothers to breastfeed their child up to 6 months. Why? This is because breast milk contains everything a baby needs. For the first few days after delivery, it is normal if the breast produces a thick and yellowish fluid. It is called colostrum which is high in protein and sugar, and it helps the newborn’s immature digestive tract develop

2. Breast milk contains Antibodies

Antibodies are loaded in breast milk which is really helpful for your baby to fight off viruses and bacteria. When a mother is exposed to viruses and bacteria, antibodies are produced. Antibodies also protect the baby from getting sick. They form a protective layer in the baby’s nose, throat and even digestive system. Take note that milk formula doesn’t provide antibody protection for babies.

Credit: Texas Breastfeeding

3. Breast milk promotes a healthy weight for your little angel

Babies will gain healthy weight, and they can also avoid being obese. Breastfed babies have higher amounts of beneficial gut bacteria compared to formula milk. Leptin is also found in breast milk which is a key hormone to increase the appetite of a baby.

4. Breast milk can make baby smarter

Studies have been made that breastfed babies are known to be more intelligent. They are also less likely to develop problematic behaviour as they grow older. They learn and pick up new things faster compared to formulated milk fed babies.


5. Breast milk may reduce the risks of getting diseases.

Your baby can avoid from getting many types of infections and diseases such as ear infections, colds, gut infections, intestinal tissue damages, allergies, diabetes and many more. Furthermore, it can surprisingly be effective until they reach adulthood.

6. Mothers who breastfeed are less likely to have depression

The type of depression a mother may have is called postpartum depression. It is also known that breastfeeding causes hormonal change and it also provides a great bonding session for the mother and the child.

Breastfeeding releases hormonal hormone oxytocin which may help in reducing uterine bleeding after childbirth. Furthermore, it also lowers the risk of breast cancer.

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