6 Breakfast Ideas for Busy Families


Credit: Prestige Digital

Breakfast is like fuel to your body. Skipping breakfast is just like a car that is running out of fuel on a road trip. Some people are just too busy to eat breakfast because you need time to cook them too! A fresh omelette, bacon or warm pancakes sound like the perfect breakfast, but, who has the time to prepare them on a busy weekday? But now, with these few ideas I have, fear not parents! You can now cook for your loved ones even if you’re super busy.

Here are some healthy and quick breakfast ideas for busy families and for those who are health conscious!

  1. Pancakes

Credit: Weight Watchers

Pancakes are what people usually eat for breakfast. It is a hearty option, and it provides a high quantity of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, but it is also rich in fats, calories and sodium. Pancakes are really easy to make, and it is the perfect breakfast. You can top it with fruits or even like the classics, butter and honey!

  1. Smoothies

Smoothies are perfect because you can blend fruits and veggies together. It is perfect, quick and also a family friendly meal for busy families on busy weekdays. Kids will definitely love smoothies, and it’s a big win at breakfast!

  1. Baked avocado eggs or avocado toasts

Credit: Weight Watchers

When it comes to savoury, baked avocado eggs and avocado toasts are something you can’t resist and are meals to die for. Avocados are nutritious and definitely flavourful!

  1. Yoghurt oatmeal bowl

This breakfast bowl is packed with nutritional and flavourful ingredients. It is a rich way to fuel up your body, and it’s very easy to make and consume either hot or cold, it’s all up to you! You can also let your kids be creative by topping the yoghurt oatmeal bowl with types of berries and nuts. You can also add honey to sweeten it! Yum!

  1. Scrambled eggs

Credit: Diet Doctor

The easiest and quickest of them all. This is a dish where beaten or stirred eggs are gently heated, typically with salt, milk, butter and pepper. You can add other ingredients in them as well, like bacon or mushrooms.

  1. Fruit bowl

Keep it simple and sweet. A fruit bowl is to die for. You can cut a selection of your kid’s favourite fruits, and you can let them enjoy them on the go too! This fruit bowl can give them a boost of energy and is an excellent way to start the busy day also!

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A good breakfast can give you a good way to start the day. If you don’t feel like eating anything in the morning, drink a cup of hot chocolate instead. It’ll make a difference.

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