Beyond Sleep: Fuel Your Postpartum Healing with These 5 Must-Haves


The trials and tribulations of giving birth can take a toll on any mother’s body. The healing journey is long and not without challenges.

Proper nutrition will not just speed up the recovery process but ensure that you can experience all the joys of motherhood in glowing health. 

A proper postpartum diet, full of nourishing foods will not just allow the body to restore, but the mind as well. Improving both energy and mood.

Not to mention promoting productive breastfeeding. 

If you’ve recently given birth, here are 5 important nutrients that you need.

Nutrients Every Mum Needs After Having a Baby


Protein is such an important nutrient for healing. The amino acids present in protein-rich foods aids in wound healing and tissue repair.

These includes primarily animal products such as poultry, beef, fish, and, of course, eggs.

But for the vegan mums out there, don’t fret. There are plenty of plant-based proteins available in the market.

At the top of the list is soy and all its byproducts: soy milk, tofu, and tempeh. Beans, lentils and oats are also rich in protein. 

Protein is also important for adequate breast milk production.


Iron is crucial for replenishing red blood cells which transports oxygen throughout the body. Lack of this nutrient can cause a condition called iron deficiency anaemia.

This condition can cause extreme fatigue, general weakness, shortness of breath and even rapid heartbeat.

Even if you haven’t experienced serious blood loss during childbirth, iron is needed for the production of breastmilk.  

Therefore, it’s best to bulk up on iron-rich foods. Red meat and leafy greens are some good examples. If you can stomach liver, that’s also a good source of iron.


You may have heard the superstition that your baby will take calcium from your bones while you’re pregnant. Turns out there’s some truth to this old wives’ tale.

Calcium is also crucial for the development of the baby’s bones and teeth during pregnancy. So it comes as no surprise that a mother expends much of her calcium stores when she has a baby.

Your baby’s calcium needs don’t stop after you’ve given birth, however. They will continue to need it in the form of breast milk as they grow. 

Therefore, replenishing your calcium after childbirth is crucial for yourself as well as your baby.

All dairy products are rich in calcium: milk, cheese, and yoghurt. Some good plant-based sources do exist such as soy, leafy greens and almonds.

Healthy Fats

As much as fat gets a bad rep in nutrition, they are important in helping the body absorb essential vitamins and minerals (Vitamins A, D and E).

In postpartum women, healthy fats are once again needed for nutritious breast milk. Babies require fat in their diet to help them grow as fat is crucial in brain development.

To fortify your reserves of healthy fats, mums can opt for fatty or cold water fish such as salmon and tuna. Other foods include eggs and egg yolk, nuts and seeds. 

Look for sources of healthy fats that are rich in omega-3 as well such as cod liver oil or fish oil which comes in supplement form as well.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals in the general sense aid in a variety of biological functions. 

They support healing and recovery, maintain the immune system, and basically ensure all your organs and body parts function properly. 

Postpartum healing relies on these micronutrients to repair the mother’s body and also to fortify breast milk for the baby.

The best source of vitamins and minerals are fruits and vegetables like spinach, carrots, sweet potato, garlic, capsicum, citruses and berries.  

But animal products also contain vitamins and minerals that the body needs like eggs, milk and fish.

Postpartum Healing with Proper Nutrition

Nutrition and recovery go hand in hand. When it comes to healing a mother’s mental and physical health after childbirth, diet comes first.

Therefore, your postpartum menu should be rich in protein, calcium, iron, vitamins and minerals and healthy fats. 

When paired with adequate rest and self-care, you will recover in no time.

Speed up your postpartum today with proper nutrition so you can enjoy all the joys of motherhood with a happy mind and healthy body, mummies!

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