Beyond Chicken Nuggets: How to Raise Healthy Eaters (Without the Fuss)


It’s becoming all the more important to instill healthy habits in your kids while they’re still young.

After all, Singapore is currently going through a childhood obesity crisis just like many parts of Southeast Asia.

It’s all too easy to go on an app, make an online order and have your meal delivered right to your doorstep. This definitely takes the concept of fast food to a whole new level.

With a little bit of effort, you can ensure that your child always makes the right decisions when it comes to their diet. Here are some tips.

7 Ways to Help Your Kids Eat Healthier

Set the Standard

Your child is like a mirror, especially during their toddler years. Everything you do, they will too. So if you’re there on the couch, snacking on potato chips, they will have no problem thinking it’s normal. 

Children have no concept of ‘health’ or ‘healthy eating’. Whatever their parents do is automatically a good thing. It’s time for some tough love, parents. You need to start eating healthy yourself first before encouraging your kids to do the same.

Without this crucial first-step, whatever advice anyone gives you is pointless.

Disguise the Greens

Now that you’ve established a healthy eating routine of your own, everything should fall into place.

However, expecting your kids to imitate your new habits from the get-go is unrealistic. Especially if you’ve already instilled a love of fast food in them. They’ll choose the fried chicken over the plate of veggies every time. 

And let’s be honest, some veggies may not exactly taste pleasant for kids. So, resort to this old but effective trick to ensure that they get their daily allotment of not only veggies but fruits too. 

Blend, puree or otherwise pulverise vegetables and incorporate them into your child’s meals. This can be actual smoothies, soups, stews, patties, fritters, and anything of the like. 

Use Fast Food Responsibly

There are moments when you just have no patience for the kitchen, so takeaway is the only option when the fridge is empty. But does healthy fast food even exist? Perhaps, if you are willing to experiment.

Places like sandwich shops are a great option as long as you make healthy choices. A great sandwich can easily become unhealthy if you drown it in sauces or fill it up with processed meats.

So, opt for lots of vegetables and lots of lean meats like chicken breast, beef and eggs. You can take this concept at home too. As far as cooking goes, making sandwiches is about the easiest methods to prepare food there is without turning the stove on.

Bring the Flavour

Contrary to popular belief, flavour does not just include sour, salty, sweet and bitter. There is also the fifth flavour that people often overlook. And that is umami. 

It is the savoury flavour that makes food that much more appetising beyond ‘saltiness’. It is the main flavour base in cheese, soy sauce, mushrooms and MSG.

A bouillon cube, worcestershire sauce, and miso are all good ingredients to add into your cooking to make a healthy dish that will be much more delicious and irresistible to your kids.

Spice it Up

Variety is the spice of life, but don’t be afraid to use actual spice. If your kids are old enough to handle it, add some spices into their food. That said, not all spice is ‘spicy’. 

Cumin, coriander, turmeric and black pepper are some good options. These offer mild flavour that will surely tickle your little one’s taste buds. 

Spicy foods also make meals more appetising, allowing your kids to enjoy what they’re eating much more than if it were bland or not seasoned well at all.

Lock the Candy Cabinet

Every family has a secret cabinet of sweet treats. Your kids probably dream about it in their sleep. The normal advice would be to keep it under lock and key, to keep your kids from looting the treasures within. 

However, this sends the wrong kind of message and may impact their relationship with food.

In fact, it’s better not to have a candy cabinet at all as this just presents a forbidden temptation that your kids simply can’t resist.

Instead, create a ‘healthy snack’ cabinet that you keep open for all. Fill them with nuts and dried fruits and berries, trail mix, kale chips, and other delicious goodies.

That said, it’s completely okay to indulge in chocolates and candy every once in a while. After all, what is life without a little bit of sweetness.

Cook with Your Kids

Kids love hands-on activities, and cooking is no different. the next time you’re preparing something in the kitchen, invite them to participate. 

After all, they may just be more likely to eat the food if they know they had a hand in making it.

Some things you can get them to do include mashing, or grating, or peeling. Of course, remember to enforce the necessary precautions when handling something sharp or hot.

Healthy Eating for a Healthy Childhood

‘Healthy foods’ don’t need to be bland and uninteresting. It can be flavourful, adventurous and even decadent. Your kids don’t have to munch on boring salads every day to be healthy.

The key to healthy eating for kids is all about moderation. About correct portions and balanced diets. They still need carbs and fats to survive.

So, be sure to incorporate all the food groups, reduce fast and junk food and make sure to make lots of flavourful meals to make your kids’ healthy eating journey that much easier.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Mamahood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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