Baby Strollers: How to Choose The Best

car stroller

Baby strollers are a convenient way for you to bring your baby out for some fresh air and sunshine. These days, there are so many great strollers on the market. Choosing the best baby stroller for your little one can be tough.

That’s why we’ve come up with some useful tips for you to use when considering which to buy. Remember that baby strollers can be used for a very long time. This means that they can be used for any other children you may have, or even shared with close family when your baby outgrows it. Therefore, making a good investment counts.

Here are some of the things to consider when buying a baby stroller:


When you’re out and about with your baby, you need a stroller that can be easily folded. If you’re the type that likes to travel and you’re looking for something that can be easily handled, you’re in luck. These days, there are baby strollers designed to self-fold with some simple steps, such as unlocking a handle.

These self fold strollers can be managed with just one hand, and without the need for a battery. Such arrangements are ideal for parents who might need to go out alone with their baby, without any help.

Price and Budget

This is of course another important point to consider. The strollers available here in Singapore have a very wide range of prices. This means you’ll be able to find one anywhere from $100 to $1200.

More commonly, good and trustable brands will offer strollers between $200 to about $800. The wisest thing to do here is to find a balance between price and value. Consider what you can afford and which features you really want.

Weight and Measurements

Another important consideration regarding strollers is how much space they will take up. To clarify, this is important for both at-home storage as well as how well it can fit into your car. You will have to take note of how much storage space you have, especially in the car boot. If you’re driving a smaller car, make sure that the stroller you buy can fit inside the rear storage or the back seat.

Additionally, you should consider the purpose of your strollers. If you travel often and are only using your stroller on urban surfaces like concrete and tiles, a lightweight stroller will do.

Terrain and Lifestyle

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One of the factors that is important when deciding on a stroller is of course lifestyle. You have to ask yourself where the stroller will be used most often. If you plan to only use it in modern buildings and pavements, an all-purpose stroller will do. If you want a stroller that’s suitable for traveling, then an umbrella stroller or lightweight stroller is better.

There are also strollers designed with larger, more absorbent wheels for parents who would like to bring their baby on rougher terrains. These types of strollers are designed to absorb bouncing and discomfort from uneven surfaces, such as parks and camping spots.

Taking Time To Pick Your Stroller

When choosing the best baby stroller, it’s best to take your time. Compare all your options while taking stock of your own preferences and situation. One really great place to ‘window shop’ for a stroller is online. You can find some great baby gear options right here on Mamahood Singapore to bring your little one out in comfort and safety.