Baby Napping Dos and Don’ts


Image Credit: Parents Magazine

Putting a baby to sleep is a struggle for most parents. It’s true that there is no magic cure for your baby’s bad sleeping habits. You have to be patient and be ready to have some rough, sleepless nights. But what if I tell you that there are some ways to allow your little creature to function at his best every day? There are many ways to do it, and there are some ways to avoid some things altogether. Below are some baby napping dos and don’ts!

Sleeping Dos and Don’ts

Image Credit: Naturalmat


1. Keep a sleeping diary
Create a sleeping schedule so that you are aware of your child’s ideal nap times. Write down relevant observations in a notebook and do it consistently for some time.

2. Spot sleepiness
Watch for tired sign like yawning, rubbing the nose or eyes, pulling at the ears and fussiness.
If your little one does any of these signs, you know it’s nap time. Babies who are overly tired will have more trouble settling down for sleep, and older babies may act clingy, clumsy and hyperactive, so watch out for these cues.

3. Take note of the lighting
Create a dark environment for your baby to sleep in. Infants who are 3 to 6 months old will have the ability to respond to light and dark and so is his body clock. Whenever it’s near bedtime, make sure to dim out the lights and turn it off once you have tucked him in. You really don’t want to wake him up!

Image Credit: Living and Loving

4. Keep your baby’s bed toy-free
Another way to slip him into sleep quickly is to keep his bed toy-free. It’s essential that you establish that the bed is a place to sleep and not a place to play. Placing toys can be distracting to your child, and it makes it even more difficult for you to fix a sleeping schedule for him.

5. Dress your baby comfortably
Ensure that your child is in comfort before he goes to sleep. A child may wake up in the middle of the night and find it hard to sleep back because he just isn’t comfortable. He may have to pee, hungry, thirsty or maybe he is too cold and can’t find a comfortable position to sleep.

Therefore, before he goes to sleep, make sure to dress him appropriately, have him eat and drink before bedtime and make sure that his room is conducive for sleeping.

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1. Wake the baby
The last thing you want to do is to wake your baby up. What if he falls asleep in his car seat? Just carry the whole thing and set it safely on the floor. A short nap is fine, but make sure not to let her sleep there overnight. For the safest way to sleep, place her on the firm mattress of a crib on her back.

2. Rush in at the first sound your baby makes
The baby often makes sleep noises like sneezing, hiccups, whimpers, sighs and even squeaks. You don’t have to rush in as soon as you hear them. Wait for a bit before checking on him. This is because you are actually giving time for him to sleep back on his own.

3. Rely on pacifier
Don’t rely on a pacifier to get your baby to sleep unless you want to fetch it continually during the night.

Image Credit: Naturalmat

4. Threaten your child into sleeping
Parents should help their kids develop good sleeping habits through positive reinforcement and not by using threat. Encourage your baby to sleep on time. That to be said, you are also making him aware of how important is sleep and that it will help him to grow and have the energy for the rest of the day.

Whatever way of nighttime parenting style you choose, keep in mind that your baby needs happy and well-rested parents. Remember, consistency and scheduling are the keys to successful planning.

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