Most mothers- to – be can’t wait for their little princess and prince baby shower event, who doesn’t right? But well, to make your baby shower a memorable and interesting one, plan some games together with your friends!
We are here to help you plan some exciting event for your little bump.

Make the best out of your baby shower, bring your cameras and snap as many pictures as you can and show them to your prince and princess when they have grown up!
Below are ten questions set for your prince and princess baby shower, make sure to make the best out of it!
Mommy versus Daddy: make a quiz and list these ten question and ask the parents!
1. What do you want your child to be when he/she grows up?
2. Whose type of nose should the child follow?
3. Whose eyes should the child follow?
4. What do you plan to name your baby girl/baby boy?
5. What colours have you picked for the baby’s nursery room?
6. What was the first expression when the father /mother found out they were expecting?
7. What did the mom crave during her pregnancy?
8. What is the first thing the mother/father bought for the child?
9. How did the mom tell the dad that she was expecting?
10. Who will the baby likely to look like? Father or mother?
The game may look simple, but it is interesting to play. Try it with your beloved ones!
How do we play the game?
Get the couple out from sight and ask them the question set, after the couple has answered the questions set up for them, bring them in into the circle of family members and friends, and read the answers out loud! It will be so much fun!
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