Am I ready to be a parent?

Baby looking to his parent

Will I be a good parent? Am I responsible enough? Can I bring a child what he needs? Where does my fear come from? Before having a child, a woman asks herself many questions. Mamahood will help you answer the most critical question: “Am I ready to be a parent?”

Is age really important?

The age has not much importance. We are not all ready to become parents at the same age. Some people want to be young parents. They do not feel the need to have a stable professional life before having children. For others, it’s the opposite; they want to have “enjoyed life” before, have launched their career … There is not of ideal moment to become a mom or a dad. If you feel ready to become a mom, by accepting the part of constraints, which this new status entails, go for it! The right moment is when the desire comes from both parents.

Being a mother, what does that imply?

Being a mom is great, but it’s also a lot of work! A real job. It involves putting the needs of a child ahead of his own, being responsible for someone other than himself, sometimes giving up on professional projects. It is also necessary to be ready to invest more in his couple because it takes a little more initiative and time to enjoy moments together.

To comfort you in choosing to have a baby, you can spend time with friends who already have children or spend a whole day from morning till night with a mom and her baby or a mom with one or two young children. This will give you an idea of the amount of work that being mom implies.

We are never really ready to have a child. The good moment it is maybe finally when we feel ready to face new challenges and to put someone needs before yours.

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