When it comes to generosity, people often believe that being generous is the virtue of being unattached to material possessions, which often symbolised by giving, the quality of being selfless, the quality of being kind and also the quality of being plentiful.
At times, you can see toddlers fight over toys, and it seems like they are in their own natural state but, did you know that generosity is a deeply embedded human behaviour? Parents usually struggle to reconcile the giving and getting from their kids, especially on holiday seasons. We all want our kids to be generous. But on the other hand, our kids may resist our attempt to persuade them. I have spoken to a mother who has successfully cultivate her child’s generosity and here are some ways on how to raise a generous child.
Ways On How To Raise A Generous Child
1. Encourage empathy
The first step to encourage generosity is to think how others feel. Children are naturally egotistical, but as parents, you can help cultivate empathy by helping your child imagine how others are feeling. You can also help your child choose a special gift to give it to someone which will make them feel more connected.
2. Set an example
Parents play a significant role when it comes to setting an example. Talking to kids about giving is easy but doing it physically shows that you really mean it.
3. Praise your child
Children will do nice things for others from time to time. If you notice their kind acts, be sure to praise them. Positive acknowledgement makes a child wants to do more and most likely will continue to repeat this kind of action.
4. Help kids discover that giving will make them feel good
Children are able to understand the relationship between happiness and generosity. When they start to understand the feeling, they will tend to be more generous. Notice their generous acts and then ask them to reflect on the experience. Ask them questions like, “How do you feel after letting your brother play with your toy?”
Above all, the most important and fun part of teaching generosity is to spread the cheer and happiness. Encourage your kids to help you bake and give it out to the community. You will see them strengthening ties and appreciate the people in their lives.
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