7 Ways to Raise a Happy Child


Credit: Steemit

Raising a happy child is the holy grail of every parent. We know that every parent only wants happiness for their children. Since the definition of happiness varies person to person, here we have 7 simple steps for you to pervade joy and positivity in your child.


1. Be happy

The happier you are, the more comfortable and successful your kids will be. No joke.

And this isn’t because of genetics.

Why do I say so? Apparently, laughter is contagious although it doesn’t have to lighten you up. It is also shown that neuroscientists believe that by hearing a person’s laugh, it will trigger mirror neurons in your brain. The neurons make listeners feel as though they are actually laughing.

2. Don’t expect for perfection

Expect effort, not perfection.
Kids will most likely be depressed, anxious and maybe abusive if parents always emphasise on perfection. When we praise children for their hard work, they will maintain on that level and may also strive for the better.

3. Make positive affirmations on a daily routine

What are positive affirmations? Positive affirmations are statements spoken, repeated and to encourage people to uplift someone. Your child will very much need these affirmations because he or she is also finding her place in this chaotic world. Of course, this isn’t an easy thing to do even for adults. Make sure that you are open to his or her ideas and allow them to think aloud with you supporting him or her.

Credit: Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital

4. Teach them emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is being aware of, control and expressing one’s emotions. The simple thing you can do for them is to empathise when they are struggling with anger and frustration issues. Relate to your child and help them identify what they are feeling and let them know that it is okay to feel that way.

5. Teach them self-discipline

Kids with self-discipline will likely be more successful in the future. Self-discipline will also be a tremendous asset for any life challenges. There are also so many problems that he or she will be able to avoid and control.

6. Playtime

We all know that meditation is one of the powerful things to do to be happy and be in peace. But, it is tough for kids to sit still and meditate. It can be quite a challenge. So, what is more fun and better than meditating? Playtime of course! If you didn’t know this, playtime isn’t about just goofing around, it is also a way for them to grow and learn.

7. Prepare and eat dinner together

Yes, it is scientifically proven that eating and preparing dinner together can help you raise a happier child. Food is the glue that binds a family together. Eating dinner together is a pure tradition that can be done to mould and bond with your child.

Happy kids know that they are loved. Always let them know that no matter what, you will still love them for who they are and it will never change. If you haven’t let them know that, today is the day!

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