7 Pregnancy Superstitions from Across the Globe

Pregnancy superstitions

Fun, poetic or insane, superstitions are an integral part of motherhood.

1. Keep away dagger and scissor

Chinese culture contains several myths about pregnancy. Among them, any sharp objects such as a scissor or needle are forbidden on or near the bed, a symbol of fertility in China. However, you can keep a dagger behind the bed supposedly to be protected from the spirits.

2. Superstitions of the ‘evil’ eye

In Thailand, a pregnant woman is well careful to don’t watch another woman gives birth because her baby, who sees through his eyes, would be shocked to see a fellow born. Therefore, he could refuse to come into the world.

3.Blue for boys and pink for girls

It is the inheritance of a European tradition which wanted that the blue the color of heavens, dresses the little boys as a magic shield. Girls were less threatened to be deprived of their parents by the malefic spirits. For this reason, the girls could content themselves with the pink: the simple skin color.

4. A baby thief?

To be born on a Thursday does not bode well in the Highlands (Scotland, Europe). Every day of the week determines a character trait: Wednesday gives a happy temper, but Thursday… it’s the day of thieves!

5. Prediction at the naked eye

In ancient times, the famous Greek physician Hippocrates had an infallible “method” to guess the sex of a future baby. If the eye and the breast of a pregnant woman were larger on the left, it was because she was expecting a girl; everything that comes from the left (“sinister”) being a bad omen!

6. Can I see your hand?

If you are visiting Quebec (Canada) during your pregnancy, do not be surprised if you are asked this question. If disconcerted, you look at the top of your hands; it is because you are waiting for a boy; inside: a girl.

7. Foot superstitions

Among the Biharis, in the north-east of India, a pregnant woman, who desires a son, must never pass the threshold of a house by first placing the left foot. Besides, some future mom’s, who want to increase their chances, spend a lot of their time getting in and out … right foot!

If you believe or not in superstitions, share with us the ones that you know!

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