5 tips to Prepare your kid for his first day of school

back to school

That’s it; school is starting! You have probably feared this day for a few months, and finally, it is there: the day of the first day of school of your darling. His very first day of school! Mamahood gives you some tips to survive this day with confidence.

Prepare the clothes for your child the night before

For the little ones, it’s preferable to give them clothes that are easy to put on.
Nevertheless, the most important thing for this first day is that your child wears an outfit that he likes or the color he likes; and never mind if he looks like a cartoon!

Put your alarm clock earlier than usual

Without adding additional stress, the first day of school has something special for the whole family. Even more, if it’s a first time. A few extra minutes will be very useful to start your day serenely.

Have a complete breakfast with your family

As we know, children must have a complete breakfast. However, he might be anxious that day. Do not force him to finish his breakfast. That does not prevent you from setting a good example by sitting down to eat with him and enjoy the first meal of the day.

Re (take) the school  rhythm

During summer, the pace of life is very different from the rest of the year. Start a few days before the start of school to take back a “usual” rhythm: put your child to bed earlier and get him up at a suitable time (but leave him to rest enough before school!). Introduce new routine, for instance, the dinner at a regular time.

Explain to your child the positive aspects of the school

Some children refuse to go to school. Tell him that everyone goes to school at his age, this is a universal rule for all human beings. Enhance this experience by talking about all the positive aspects: exciting activities, new friends, songs, games…

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