11 years old girl beat Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking IQ

11 years old girl beats Einstein

Highest mark possible

An eleven years old girl British Indian girl Iona Mandal from Birmingham, UK, has beaten great minds including Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking to get the maximum Mensa IQ test score.

She reached the highest mark of 162 putting her in the top 99.9th percentile of the population.

However, the maximum score possible for adults is 161 (Einstein score) whereas a child can reach the highest score of 162.

Iona Mandal is already well known in her city. She won last year The 2017 Wicked Young Writer Awards. Her story Indigo’s Adventures with Love has already been published in the Wicked Young Writer Awards Anthology.

After obtained her result, Iona Mandal declared: “It’s an extremely humbling experience, especially because I never thought I would be capable of achieving this! To this day, I am still in disbelief. I keep wondering whether this is true or not.”

Zero preparation

She explained that she didn’t prepare for the test: “As clichéd as this may sound, I hardly put in five minutes of effort – that too only on one day, almost two or three months before the exam. My mother did buy me two Mensa puzzle books online – thinking I would flip through them to give me a bit of a head start. But I didn’t even get the time with all my schoolwork and extra-curricular activities. I do a lot of writing and sometimes have to live up to deadlines so time just flies.”

Iona’s mother is proud of her daughter but doesn’t want her daughter to focus only on the IQ score: “We are very proud of Iona. However, Iona needs to remember that there is a much bigger picture than IQ alone. Social, emotional and spiritual intelligence hold the keys. Iona will need to keep her feet on the ground and learn to appreciate and nurture these as she grows up.”

Impressed? Have you already taken the IQ test? Do you want your child to take the test?

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